Las Vegas Edition 2019

ere are several known misconceptions about leadership. And it’s quite unfortunate because we all have such great leadership potential. Living up to our leadership potential is closely aligned with living up to our potential as human beings in general. To live up to our potential, in part, means to move passed fear and to do and act on the things that we care about – and that’s also a big part of what makes a great leader.

Always remember, you have great potential – the potential to not only do something great with your life but to become a great leader and inspire others to do something great with their life as well!

A n A u t o b i o g r a p h i c a l E x p o s é Unlocking the Natural-Born Leader’s Abilities:



Leadership is a habit we cultivate. It throws many challenges our way to rediscover who we are. What does it take to be a natural- born leader? What it means to be successful? Dr. Salar Khan has ŀfty years’ experience as a successful leader, physician, medical

college professor, healthcare executive, and family man. With life lessons and a self- assessment tool included, this motivational blueprint will boost personal transformation and self-esteem.Ļere exists today a widespread lack of conŀdence in leadership,whether in business, government, education, or elsewhere.Ļe vision of a conŀdent leader, that of anNBL, is needed for the betterment of the world.

$ 15.99 184 pages

second book Am I Burned Out at Work? A Self-Care Solution COMING SOON


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