CALAOC High School Handbook

PERMISSIVE RULE SETTING Permissive rule setting parents take a hands-off approach. They: ࡟ Do not set expectations. Instead, they feel teens should be independent. ࡟ Permit their teen to explore the world without “interfering.” ࡟ Feel kids should be free to make mistakes and learn from them accordingly. Permissive rule setting parents may not face as much rebellion as authoritarian or overprotective parents do. But permissive rule setting parents deprive their children of wise guidance in developing effective problem-solving skills. In most instances permissive rule setting parents do so to help their teens. They think that by setting permissive rules their teens will be more honest with them and will tell the truth about their alcohol or marijuana use. Studies show that teens rarely tell their parents exactly how often and how much they use alcohol. Teens often will grossly under-report risky behaviors to their parents (including alcohol and marijuana use). Research shows: Teens of permissive style parents tend to drink more often and heavier, use marijuana and other drugs, ride with others who are impaired, drive while impaired themselves, experience more problems in school and with the law, and are also more likely to be victims of crime. They also report having parents who are less willing to talk with them and have poorer relationships with their parents as well.

Parents Do Make a Difference. Despite how you may feel sometimes, research shows that parents are an important influence on whether or not teens choose to drink alcohol or use marijuana and other drugs.


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