T h e DNR T r i l o g y
Volume I: Backing the Wrong Primate
D. Brewster was the youngest member of his medical school class and one of the few accepted into the dual-training MD/PhD program. Sadly, his promising career went permanently off the rails when he became a lightning rod for a series of tragic anddehumanizingeventswhich causedBrewster to spiral downward into an ever-deepeningquagmireofmoral decay that also enveloped everyone around him. Years later when Brewster �nally becomes the last man standing in a previously orchestrated act of vigilante justice, he re�ects on whether or not what he had done was truly a righteous and justi�able act. That judgment would have to be surrendered for others to decide as Brewster is compelled to take up pen andpaper to record in shockingdetail the evil darkness that overwhelmedhimandhis colleagues somany years ago. 400 pages $ 24.99 9781480858251
J. D. Brewster is a bright medical student whose promising career is teetering on the edge of disaster. After the head nurse on the medical/surgical unit dies from complications of injuries sustained in a vicious botched carjacking attempt, Brewster becomes demoralized. Sadly, the one person who tried to protect him from the dangerous pitfalls of the arduous clinical clerkship rotationswas nowgone. Forced to abandon his scienti�c research projects through no fault of his own, Brewster �nds himself in a no-win situation as the pervasive culture of the Gulf Coast College of Medicine and University Hospital is brutal and unforgiving toward medical students. As a consequence to unrelenting and dehumanizing emotional abuse, Brewster and his colleagues become not only callous and largely indifferent to human suffering, but also cruel and fully capable of dispensing retribution when perceived appropriate. The occult "clinical justice" system hidden within the bowels of the university turned out to be much more than just an unsubstantiated rumor whispered amongst the naïve medical students and members of the medical staff. The system of vigilante lawandorder has become fullymanifest, and it is indeed a frighteningentity tobehold. Brewster is nowevolving into an avenger whowillingly participates inwhat he believes to be righteously sanctioned punishment dispensed to thosewho violate the laws that constitute the very fabric of social order.
In this continuing tale, a young student at the Texas Medical Center in Houston is confronted with the intertwining world of healthcare and thedark andevil forces lurkingwithin the encroaching shadows ofmoral decay.
$ 28.99
468 pages
Volume III: CLINICAL JUSTICE Adeeply �awed individual, J. D. Brewster was afflictedwith chronic, intrusive, dark and violent thoughts that alienated the medical student from not only his colleagues, but also from everyone he had ever known. His life was already disintegrating when he somehow miraculously survived a murder attempt that sadly left him with not only serious permanent physical injuries, but alsowitha seethinghatredandanall-consuming compulsion to seek revenge. Engrossed in the brutal and dehumanizing clinical clerkship rotations, Brewster spirals downward into an ever- deepening quagmire of moral despair. Upon the death of his �ancé, worsening spiritual isolation propels Brewster to embrace the secret clinical justice systemthatwas hidingamongst the shadows at theGulf Coast CollegeofMedicine. After successfully recruiting several other grievously traumatized victims of violent crimes, Brewster successfully orchestrates a shocking act of vigilante retribution within the very halls of an institution that was auspiciously dedicated to the art ofmedical care.
In this �nal installment of amedical thriller trilogy, a dispiritedmedical student is willing to sacri�ce a promising career to become a vigilante, but in the end, hemust eventually face the truthas his life comes full circle.
$ 33.99
510 pages
EC Magazine | Christmas Edition 2019
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