Christmas Edition 2019

Q u a n a h M e a n s

SATAN’S WORLD This book gives another theory of the origin of mankind on this planet andwho is in control. It is a true story of good versus evil and oneman’s struggle to save his soul. It’s a story about a superhero of superhero’s who sacriöces himself to save all those, who eons of time ago turned their backs onHis father and followed the villainof our story. It’s a story about profound love and forgiveness that human love cannot approach. After you read this story, you will be facing a new reality about the origins of human life, a sobering reality. But you will be left with a simply choice, once you understandandaccept the realityof your existence.

Q u a


n a h


M e a n s

$ 9.99

146 pages


In the Beginning


$ 7.72

68 pages

66 EC Magazine | Christmas Edition 2019 In the Beginning speaks to the heart of our present civilization and all the civilizations that came before us. It is a very interesting read and I hope you will thoroughly enjoy it. It has a few controversial ideas, which are solely mine and no one else. One day we may all be wondering why it is that we still do not know how our present civilization came to be after only some 6,000 years of existence. How could we have developed so quickly from being hunter gatherer’s to suddenly planning our next manned space mission to Mars and even beyond? What drives us to want to know what lies beyond our reach? In this book, you will find some of the answers to this fascinating subject. Who are we? Do you know? Maybe you will find the answer in this book.

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