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stated Matthew McVittie, OCOA president. “As with any hunting season, hunters can expect to encounter conservation officers out in the field as they conduct hunter ins- pections to ensure everyone is following the rules and to ensure that the sport of turkey hunting continues to be a safe sport.” The 2023 Hunting Regulations are available online at https://www.ontario. ca/document/ontario-hunting-regulations- summary, and the OCOA recommends all hunters review the hunting methods and tagging requirements. Questions can be directed to local conservation offices. “When hunting on private property please ensure you are familiar with the property boundaries and you have permission from the landowner to be there,” stated McVittie, “and remember to follow proper safe hunting principles, including: always positively iden- tify your target before shooting, know what is beyond your target, never hunt while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, treat every firearm as if it was loaded. We wish everyone a safe and successful hunt this spring.” Natural resources or public safety related violations should be reported to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry violation reporting line at 1-877-847-7667, or Crime Stoppers at 1800-222-TIPS (8477).

Loose Denture Problems Solved With Dental Implants Dentures replaces the form and function of missing teeth in a quick way. The removable nature of dentures, however, poses problems especially if the teeth replacements are used for a long period of time without addressing possible issues with jawbone deterioration. Dental implants are the ideal solutions for missing teeth problems, and also solve the long-term issue of jawbone deterioration, which is not addressed with a set of removable dentures. Implants provide both functional and aesthetic improvements in a smile which has suffered from tooth loss. Implants help solve problems associated with loose dentures, such as: Painful Denture Use As dentures move, they rub repeatedly against soft inner mouth parts and may cause painful mouth sores to form. Loose dentures also rub uncomfortably against the gums. Dental implants are used to hold teeth restorations securely in place, so that they will not move around uncontrollably inside the mouth to stop the pain and discomfort. Difficulty in Chewing and Eating Meal times can be challenging times for those with loose dentures, as it is difficult to chew and eat with loose dentures inside the mouth. Dental implants securely hold teeth replacements in place so they can be used to properly and easily chew on food. Embarrassment Loose dentures can suddenly fall off from the mouth, and cause other embarrassing episodes resulting from the uncontrollable movement. An implant treatment can secure the teeth restorations and end the embarrassment of having ill-fitting dentures. Talk to your Denturist about different options. Nicholas Fournier, DD Don’t forget to smile

La saison annuelle de la chasse au dindon sauvage commence et l’Association pour la conservation de la nature recommande à tous les chasseurs de se familiariser avec les règlements en vigueur. -photo d’archives


of Ontario’s wild turkey hunters a safe, enjoyable, and successful hunt. Wild turkeys were reintroduced to Ontario in the late 1980’s, and the growth of the turkey popu- lation in subsequent years has expanded the hunting season. “For many hunters, wild turkey season is the first opportunity of the year to get out and enjoy the outdoors with the chance of bringing home their first harvest of the year,”,

Turkey season is on again, and conser- vation authorities are reminding hunters to stay safe. The 2023 spring turkey season opened on April 25 for most of Ontario, and the Ontario Conservation Officers Association (OCOA) released a statement wishing all


CORRECTION The article in last week’s edition regarding Nubuild, a company that uses robotics to help build houses, contained an error. John Candie and Éric Drouin of the Prescott-Russell Community Futures Corporation were part of the delegation that met with the United Counties of Prescott-Russell council for a presentation on the company. But it was John Liptak, president of Nubuild, who told council what the company does, not Drouin as quoted in the article. We regret the error. – Gregg Chamberlain/editor-in-chief de messagerie instantanée pour communi- quer avec les contribuables. Elle n’utilise pas non plus de langage agressif ou de menaces lorsqu’elle communique par téléphone, et elle ne vous enverra jamais par courrier électronique un lien vous demandant des informations personnelles ou financières, ou un lien vous permettant d’accéder à votre remboursement. Enfin, l’ARC n’exige pas de paiement immédiat par virement électronique, carte de crédit prépayée ou bitcoin. Toute personne victime d’une fraude peut contacter son service de police local et le Centre antifraude du Canada par téléphone au 1-888-495-8501 ou en ligne à l’adresse https://www.antifraudcentre- Vous pouvez également appeler Crime Stoppers au 1-800-222-8477.

As tax season continues, the CRA and OPP are warning of an annual increase in related scams. —stock photo


soumettent leur déclaration de revenus avant le 30 avril, et à l’approche de cette date, la région de l’Est connaît généralement une augmentation des incidents. Les escroqueries à l’impôt sur le revenu consistent à envoyer aux victimes un mes- sage texte contenant un lien qui ouvre un faux site web de l’ARC, lequel invite les vic- times à entrer leurs informations bancaires pour se connecter. Les données bancaires des victimes sont alors enregistrées par l’escroc et utilisées à des fins frauduleuses. L’ARC souhaite rappeler aux résidents qu’elle n’utilise jamais de messages texte ou

À l’approche de la saison des impôts, l’ARC et la PPO mettent en garde contre une recrudescence annuelle des escroqueries. La Police provinciale de l’Ontario (PPO) met en garde les résidents contre les escroqueries et les fraudes liées à la déclaration de revenus, alors que la saison des déclarations de revenus approche à grands pas. L’Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) s’attend à ce que les contribuables



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