
M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Owners, Developers & Managers — July 28 - August 10, 2017 — 17B


O wners , D evelopers & M anagers

New 25,000 s/f firehouse is expected to be complete in early spring 2019 Broomall Fire Company teams with Bernardon for design of new station B

roomall, PA — Broomall Fire Com- pany announced that that they have entered into an agreement with the archi- tecture firm of Bernardon to move forward with design and documentation for a new fire station at the former Marple School site in Broomall. The Broomall Fire Company (BFC or Company 53) was es- tablished in 1923 by a group of twenty-six men whose sole purpose was to establish fire protection for the growing Marple Township community. Today, BFC serves well over 24,000 citizens and protects an area of 11 square miles, including a large stretch of Interstate 476. The current firehouse, which is 60 years old this year, is lo- cated at North Malin Rd. near West Chester Pike. The build- ing is insufficiently sized to accommodate today’s modern fire apparatus, and is obsolete relative to the recent advances in fire-fighting technology. The new 25,000 s/f station, which will be located across the street from the existing firehouse, will accommodate the cur- rent apparatus, significantly improve functionality, and optimize response time. “We are extremely excited to be working with Bernardon on this new firehouse project,” said Jim Capuzzi, president. “The new station will make BFC a more responsive and efficient operation, and will al- low us to continue to serve the Marple Township community for decades to come.” The new firehouse will be designed by Bernardon, an ar- chitecture, interior design, and landscape architecture firm. They have provided design services for over two dozen fire, safety, and emergency services facilities, including the East Whiteland Volunteer Fire As- sociation in East Whiteland. and Minquas Fire Company No. 2 in Downingtown. Primary funding for the project comes from the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania with the assistance of former State Representative William F. Adolph, Jr., who was instru- mental in helping the company to secure a $3.25 million Rede- velopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) grant for the new station. The grant was subsequently matched with $3 million allocated by the Board of Commissioners of Marple Township. n

Broomall Fire Company rendering


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