
“ Navigating Conflict of Interest: Maintaining Ethical Standards in Guardianship ” By Pamela Kemper

As a guardian, it is crucial to prioritize the best interests of the wards and maintain the highest ethical standards. One of the key principles in guardianship is avoiding conflicts of interest, which can compromise the impartiality and integrity of the guardian's role as well as jeopard- ize the guardian ’ s legal authority. The following information highlights the importance of rec- ognizing and managing conflicts of interest, specifically in relation to professional affiliations, such as being a realtor. By navigating these potential conflicts, guardians can ensure that the welfare of the wards remains the top priority. Understanding Conflict of Interest: A conflict of interest arises when a guardian's personal or professional interests interfere with their ability to act solely in the wards' best interests. For example, being a realtor introduces a potential conflict when it comes to making decisions regarding the sale or purchase of proper- ty on behalf of the wards. It is essential for guardians to be aware of these conflicts and take proactive measures to mitigate them. Maintaining Independence and Impartiality: To avoid conflicts of interest, guardians must maintain independence and impartiality in their decision - making processes. This means refraining from using their position as a guardian to benefit their personal or professional interests. It is vital for guardians to recognize and priori- tize the wards' needs above any potential conflicts, even if it means seeking alternative service providers or care options. Disclosing and Seeking Approval: In situations where a potential conflict of interest exists, guardians must disclose the nature of the conflict to the court. This involves providing transparent information about any personal or professional relationships that may influence the guardianship decisions. By seeking approval from the court and disclosing the conflict, guardians demonstrate their commitment to trans- parency and accountability. Continue Reading


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