Chiro1Source - May 2020



“This was a new experience. We have a mission- based outreach program here locally, Serenity House, which does addiction recovery, and every week I see all the men in that house to do conservative pain management and host a Bible study. But this was my first time out of the county,” he says.

Dr. Steven Weiniger isn’t your typical chiropractor. After college, he debated becoming a researcher, a physician, or a psychologist before discovering chiropractic was a melding of all three. Then, once he started his chiropractic training, he stepped off the beaten path to supplement his coursework with travel, immersing himself in yoga and studying rehabilitation in Prague under famed neurologist and physiotherapist Vladimir Janda. “I basically ended up using concepts both from Janda and yoga in my practice,” Dr. Weiniger says. “Then I created a system chiropractors can use to both do the posture exercises and communicate them to patients in a way that makes sense.”

When he was preparing for the trip, Dr. Saario realized he was missing one crucial thing: medical devices. To fill that need, he called us.

“I reached out to Chiro1Source and asked if they’d be willing to donate supplies for the trip, and Josh was immediately right on wanting to do that. He donated some of the medical supplies and durable medical equipment, kinesio tape, topical pain reliever, and that kind of stuff,” Dr. Saario says. We also donated some of our signature “Keeping You Aligned” T-shirts. We were thrilled to help Dr. Saario fulfill his mission and treat more than 1,800 people in need. If you’re in need of chiropractic supplies for a good cause, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re always looking for ways to give back!

Today, that system is called StrongPosture ® , and Dr. Weiniger is an international posture expert. He travels to far-flung spots like France and Australia to offer continuing education to chiropractors in person, and he and his team teach courses online through In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, has become an indispensable resource for chiropractors looking to leverage the power of posture in their practices.

One of the things Dr. Weiniger says makes posture work so vital is that its ripple effects touch every area of a patient’s life.

“So much money goes into treatment for things like back pain. With StrongPosture ® , we’re getting people to help themselves, and we’re opening a door to doctors and therapists to help them do so,” he says. “It’s not just about back pain. Posture affects the way you look at life and the way people look at you.” Dr. Weiniger has worked with Chiro1Source for years, ever since our founder, Dr. Cecil Walker, attended one of his workshops and was blown away by his teaching. Now, Chiro1Source’s products are an integral part of Dr. Weiniger’s courses. He’s particularly fond of our TheraBand Pro Series Exercise Balls, RangeMaster Stretch Straps, and TheraBand CLX Consecutive Loops, which are ideal for posture exercises. “Instead of trying to sell people expensive single-use equipment or toys, I sell them simple tools that they can use in a lot of different ways,” he says.

Used with permission of ©BodyZone. All Rights Reserved.

To learn more about Dr. Weiniger’s courses, visit, and to check out the products he loves, head to our website today!

Used with permission of ©BodyZone. All Rights Reserved.

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