King's Business - 1943-12

Attention Chaplains!

Œ f j e J î e t o ; C r u ô a b ê > o n g ô ; r s > a b e | S 3 £ t and Missionary i C onven tions. 107 n um b ers including many popular cho- I ruses. A new book, ideal and inexpensive. Covers in two colors; reinforced manila bind- j ing. 15c each; $12.50 ahundred.

W hy not give a book of Christm as C arols instead of G reeting C ards? This fascinating book con­ tains valuable data on the origin and use of 63 Christ­ mas customs and symbolsl Complete words and music of 57 carols and songs. Hand­ somely bound in BLUE. AND SILVER cover. 25c each, $2.50 doz. postpaid. ORDER NOW! The Rodeheaver Hall-Mack Co. 119 9 St., Winona Lake, Ind.

‘ ‘W e 1 c o m e , Tracts- For- Serv­ ice-Men!” You’ll help b r in g lost m en to C h rist. You’ll strengthen and. e n co u ra g e m a n y a m a n whose faith has begun to lag. You are one .o f the most outstanding pieces of litera­ ture that a a*e being made avail­ able to service men. Y o u are fast becoming a universal winner of souls.” CHAP­ LAINS! You are urged to write for gospel tracts canvas tract

Returnable sample copies will be furnished. FREE! (1) Catalog of sound religious books, or (2) of Sunday School papers and quarterlies. CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, Inc. 1507 N. Third St. Harrisburg', Pa.


Chaplain N. E. Hodges free shipments .of the timely listed below, also 15 pocket holders.


^1 Insist on the Original. For- » ty-four Years’ Suprem acy. N ever equalled. C ondensed T hou gh t. Digest and T ext of L esson . Full Exposition. Other features. flexible Binding 40c Postpaid F. H. REVELL CO.. 158 Fifth Ave., New York, 10.

KEEP ’EM FLYING An eight-page t r a c t calling for national repentance, colorfully illustrated. Has been broadcast to America as a public service by Mutual Network. “ We find by observation the men seem to like these tracts better than any others of our selection. God is using this method to bring many an un­ saved boy to the Lord Jesus/’ Chaplain J. E. Berkstresser. REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR Three colorful, convicting chapters—“ Re­ member Pearl Harbor,” “ Remember Cal­ vary,” “ Have You Forgotten?” “ Y.our little booklets are read with enthusiasm by the boys here at the field.” Chaplain T. M. Carter. THEY LIVE FOREVER A dynamic message on the New Birth illustrated by testimony of Colin Kelly. “ Only eternity will reveal how vital have been these noble tracts.” Chaplain A. Von Schlichten. OUR FIRST FRONT Colorfully illustrated with the flags of the United Nations. A call to the Allies to turn to God. “ I have just finished reading ‘Our First Front,’ ‘Plasma,’ and ‘Invasion/ They make very plain God's way of salva­ tion; that is the crying need, of today.” Chaplain Z. B. Chambless. FOR THE DURATION A soul-winning message on Eternity. “ Of the tons of literature available to Chaplains for distribution among men under their min­ istry, there is nothing in my opinion, /save the blessed Word, that quite compares with your tract ministry.” Chaplain W. Goldea*. OTHER TIMELY TRACTS “ The Story of Redemption.” “ America Bless God.” “ Conquest.” “ T. N. T.” “ Who’s Who?” “ Morale,” “ Your Chaplain Speaks,” etc., etc. “ You may be sure that your in­ terest in the spiritual welfare of men in uniform is deeply appreciated.” Office of Chief o f Chaplains, Gen. Wm. Arnold, War Department. ATTENTION CHRISTIANS Join this ministry of evangelizing the armed forces of America and her Allies. No tracts are sold. You are invited to help financially in shipping these tracts by the millions to military centers at home and overseas. Write for free samples and en­ close your gift towards “ Chaplains’ Fund.” Worldwide Monthly Tract Club P. O. Box I Spokane I, Washington U. S. A.

★ ★

★ ★

★ ★

Retired now . . .

but stalwart in the faith He has lived seventy-five years in a changing world, building his life on the Word of God. And even now he’s still growing spiritually. He says . . . "I enjoyed your course very much. It makes the foundation on which my all is built much stronger in my mind” No matter how old or young you are, you always profit by knowing your Bible. Write for information about the course, Fundamentals of Christian Faith. Address Dept. K-814

A President * of the United States once called the Holy Bible “ The Rock of Our Republic” And so it is, especially today when men’s and women’s souls are tried by the fire of war. In every war that America has fought, since 1848, the American Bible Society has sup­ plied Bibles, New Testaments and portions of the Scriptures to men in the Armed Forces wherever they may be. This is a noble work and it MUST GO ON! To further this work money is needed. Re­ member—only $1.®° will give New Testaments to six of our boys. Better still, why not buy an American Bible Society Annuity Agreement? These Agree­ ments afford as high as 7% on money under a plan which has never failed to make prompt payments in over 100 years of the Society’s activities. Why not investigate this plan for Christian giving at once! Send for the booklet A Gift That Lives!’ ^President Andrew Jackson S_E_N_D_Jjt_E_CO_U_PO_N _N_0W □ Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB-40 entitled “ A Gift That Lives!’ □ I enclose $-----------... to provide Testaments for our boys Name ............................................................. Address .......................................................... City .................................... State. American Bible Society, Bible House, New York, N . Y .

You may qualify as a KING'S BUSINESS Club Organizer by sending in group subscriptions: 3 to 9, 85c each—10 or more, 75c each (in U. S.). Singles—$1.00 for a year; $1.50 for two years. List of rewards sent upon request.

JacA ecL 3Lfiioxf

FO R SOPRANOS AND ALTO S While the men are at war, more women will do the singing. This new book con­ tains musical arrangements that are well within the range ofthe average group ofwomen's voices. 48pages, octavo size, printed on good clear paper from large plates, bound in fine cardboard binding. Price only 60c each. Order today.

THE RODEHEAVER HALL-MACK CO . 1 1 9 Ninth Street, Winona Lake, Indiana

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