King's Business - 1943-12

December 1943


between the fall of the Roman Em­ pire (476 A. D.) and the Renaissance (the 14th to 16th centuries). During that age, just as in every age and in­ cluding our own, “when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him” (Isa. 59:19). Those whom the Lord raises up to lift His Word of truth can well be looked upon as “ torchbearers.” For Those Who Have Topics I. A SCRIPTURAL EXPLANATION. In Hebrews 11:36-40, faith is shown to be able to master the most unsur- mountable difficulties. The Old Testa­ ment heroes referred to were kept, in the midst of severe trials, temptations, and persecutions, by the power of their faith in the promises of God. Faith is stronger than gunpowder—it can overcome the devil himself, quenching his fiery darts (Eph. 6:16). Today’s heroes are a dime a dozen and are speedily • forgotten, even though the world dftires to give them due credit. In this portion of Hebrews, God bears testimony that He will never forget His heroes of faith. H. A BIOGRAPHICAL ILLUSTRATION. Any orle of a number of outstanding men who lived during this period may be considered, with the purpose of illustrating how the torch was borne by them as a guide to those in dark­ ness. Thomas Aquinas, Girolamo Sav­ onarola, John Huss, or Jphn Wycliffe, are only a few suggestions. III. A PERSONAL APPLICATION. Are we torchbearers in a dark age? Is our paramount purpose in life to reach the unsaved with the gospel of Christ which alone can save? Nothing but absolute obedience will satisfy Him who bought us with His own precious blood. Let us not be occupied with self, position, circumstance, or even success. We, too, by faith may join the roster ■of the Lord’s torch- bearers, sharing in their heritage. Who among the heroes named in this chap­ ter now looks from heaven and feels he made a mistake, suffered too much, or gave more than he has received? (cf. Phil. 2:14-16). For the Leader The very name “torchbearer" is at once “ a definition and a test.” A torch- bearer is some one who exists for a distinct purpose—to hold a torch. He does not exist for his own sake. Christ, who is the Light of the world, is the only One worth holding up. When we become concerned with self we are not torchbearers but rather we are try­ ing- to take the place of the Torch. ,The Palmolive Building in Chicago is a wonderful piece of architecture in­ deed, but its purpose, as far as flyers throughout the Middlewest are con-

Dr. Frank H. Guernsey

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415 Park Central Bids. 412 West Sixth Street, Near Hill

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KHJ—Los Angeles, (Don Lee Mutual chain) Monday, Wednesday, Friday—8:00 to 8:30 A. M. KMTR—Los Angeles Monday through Friday—11:06 to 11:30 A. M. KPAS—Pasadena Monday through Friday—9:00 to 9:30 P. M.

"Please, God, Save Me FromLeprosy!"

— pleads this youn g Siamese g irl “May this medicine keep me from having leprosy badly like my moth­ er and father with their dreadful sores and suffering. “Bless the people in the United States who send money to help us. May they know how thankful we are in Jesus’ name.” How often the missionaries hear these words of gratitude! Hundreds of these children, though, must be t u r n e d away because of lack of funds to help. “It breaks our hearts to refuse them,” say the mission­ aries.

Yes, it hurts to have this injection „ of Chaulmoogra oil, but the native nurse and the little patient know it will arrest the ravages of leprosy—.

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I our M o n e y A n A n sw e r

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1 o 1 heir r ra y e r s Were it not for the help you give, Christ’s command, “Cleanse the Lepers,” could not be carried out. For His good­ ness to you, will you, at the Christmas season, remember that , “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these . . . ye have done it unto me. . . . ” Lepers are suffering more now in these war days than, ever before. In China 3 times the former funds are required. The care of a leper child for a year is now $90.00 instead of $30.00. Please help all you can! Clip and mail today


D ept 5-D

156 Fifth Ave., New York 10, N. Y.

• Complete care of an adult, oné year................$40 • Complete care of a child, one y e a r ............... $30 • Complete care of a child, one year, in China.$90 • Medicine for one year.. . . . . . . . ...................$ 5 • Bible in'own la n g u a g e ...............1

As my Christmas offering to the lepers, I am happy to en­ close $...............-........ Name* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address ................................

Aids leper work of all denominations and of the Faith Missions

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