King's Business - 1943-12


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Each of the ten delightful "stories” is developed from one of the verses of the song. These culminate in an appealing message of salvation. The best of artistry is employed in the many, full-page, colored illustra­ tions. This publication presents a def­ inite spiritual message, as well as up- to-date t e a c h i n g technique. Moody Press, 153 Institute PI., Chicago, 10, 111., Paper. Price, 35 cents each, 12 for $3.75. These Men Shall Never Die By Lowell Thomas Seventy American heroes who dis­ played “ that brand of courage . . , shown so abundantly during Amer­ ica’s first year ¿.t war” are introduced here in individual pictures and char­ acter sketches of - gripping interest. The book is the work of an able news­ man in reporting facts approved by the Bureau of Public Relations of the War Department, Washington D. C. In this

O u r L i t e r a t u r e T a b l e

in presenting Christ at the Christmas season. The material is designed es­ pecially for use with children of five to ten years of age. Christian Publica­ tions, Ine., Third and Reilly Sts., Har­ risburg, Pa. Paper. 50 cents. Every Good G ift Story by Dorothy Grunbock Drawings by Emma Lou Osborne This artistic and fascinating book of twenty pages, 8x11 inches, is planned for the young child four, to seven years of age. Thé story ma­ terial is presaged by - a song of ten four-line verses based on the. .theme of James 1:17, “Every good gift and e v e r y perfect g ift'is from above.”

Threshold of Heaven By Martha Snell Nicholson

Though the author has been in in­ tense suffering for many years, this volume of poems and prose medita­ tions presents hope and joy on every page. “This little book,” writes Louis S. Bauman in the Foreword, “will car­ ry many, many other sufferers to the very ‘Threshold of Heaven.’ ” The poet sings of many themes, and always with a heart at rest in God. With gold stamping on a blue art cover, the book will make a valued gift. 105 pages. Order from the author: Martha Snell Nicholson, 1406 Lagoon Ave., Wilmington, Calif. Paper. Price $1.00. When the author arrived in Bethle­ hem, the genial and hospitable Brother John’s a d v i c e to him was, “Make friends with some village boy and see Bethlehem for yourself.” The traveler acted upon this counsel. He soon discovered a village shepherd boy who became his guide. Because of his intimate knowledge of his own town, this boy not only led the visitor to the places usually seen by tourists, but ultimately to a village cave home. Herein, the writer discovered what he believes to be the true meaning of those simple words, “laid him in a manger.” Into this quaint, winsome story of the Bethlehem of our day, the writer has put the same depth of feeling and artistry of expression with which his famous “Song of Our Syrian Guest” is replete. 41 pages. W. A. Wilde Co., Boston, Mass. Board. Price 50 cents. The Christmas Story Mary Jane Hendrickson, Illustrator Based on the Gospel narratives of Matthew and Luke, the story of Christ’s birth is told here with strict adherence to the facts in the Bible text, and with enough related comrqent to stimulate^ the interest of the lis­ tener. An excellent object lesson on salvation closes the narrative section. As a valuable visual aid, more than fifty eight-inch, colored cutouts are provided for use on the flannelboard. These include the scènes of the an­ nunciation, the shepherds worshiping at the manger, the coming of the wise men and their ■worship of Christ, and seven illustrations related to the ob­ ject lesson. 'Teachers, ministers, and parents will find this publication to be of real help A Lovely Find By W illiam A llen Knight

Lessons in Homiletics and Evangelism Union Bible Seminary publishes two series of courses for preachers and Christian Workers. Each course has twenty lessons. . MASTERFUL PREACHERS NEED MASTERFUL. METHODS 20 Lessons in Homiletics teaches the Art of Sermon Construc­ tion by 15 excellent outline methods. 20 Lessons in Evangelism offers effective suggestions and helps in the Art of Winning Souls. The Gospel Minister gives a Sermon Outline Page each week. Send $2 for The Gospel Minister, 52 issues, and all 40 Lessons. UNION BIBLE SEMINARY, Dept. 5I7A , Westfield, Ind.

350 Hawaiian Japanese.American 8ervlce Men. They have loyal (hearts.- 52 accepted Christ, walking a half bloc!: to The inquiry room. Inset: Group of our workers at Ft. Oix, where 67 meetings totaled 7.851 attendance and .114 decisions for Christ. “Thank God! I’ve Found Him low!” A FTER a meeting at Chanute Field, we dealt with one young soldier for

father’s fist to his jaw sent him sprawl, ing and the pistfil flying. Recovering from the blow and his own drunken stupor, he decided he must cut loose from his wild associa tes; so finally joined the army. During all the months since, he had been searching in vain for someone who could give him a new start in life. Then, with tears he exclaimed earnestly: “Thank GodJ I’ve found Him now!” Established by M r, and Mrs, £harles M , Alexander in 1916 at its present addrest, ours is purely a faith ministry; and toe earnestly solicit your prayers. Write fosjree illustrated quarterly to Dept, E1263,

a full hour. He seemed deeply bur­ dened. Finally on his knees he con­ fessed his sin, taking Christ as his personal Saviour. Then with shining face he related the following story: It seems he had travelled with a wild crowd of eight young men. Each had his own pistol. They-indulged in all kinds of crime, including highway robbery, and this man kept, the pistols for the gang. Returning home intoxicated one night, he had an argument with his father. In a fit of temper, he Was about to blow his own brains out. -But bis

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