King's Business - 1943-12

TH E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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volume, there is much that will serve as illustrative material for the pres­ ent-day speaker or writer, although no effort is made in the book, to ac­ cent religion. 308 pages. John C. Wins­ ton Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Cloth. Price $ 2 . 00 . Keswick in London, 1943 War conditions once again prevented the famed Keswick Convention from being held in the Lake District, so a second “Keswick in London” Conven­ tion was arranged by the Trustees, and held in St. Paul’s Church, Port- man Square, London, from July 19 to 23. A full report of the Convention is published under the title “Keswick in London, 1943,” at 2/6 (2/9 post free) by Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd., 7 Milford Lane, Strand, London, W.C. 2. It contains an authoritative presen­ tation ' of ;the Keswick message for today by accredited speakers, includ­ ing two Bible Readings by W. Gra­ ham Scroggie. The Book of Daniel By W ; C . Stevens Here is a valuable study which has o n c e more been made available to readers. The author does' not present unfounded conjectures regarding the fulfillment o f the prophecies of Daniel in world events. Rather, he sets forth the text, which he explains and aug-* ments by the use of comparative and related Scriptures.' The late James M. Gray paid the author this tribute: “The best Bible teacher is he who lets God do the most teaching through his lips, or by hi’s pen, and Mr. Stevens has the wisdom to perceive and 'act upon this principle.” The discussions are sane, well-balanced, Scriptural, and e a s i l y understood. 224 pages. Bible House of Los Angeles, 927 So. Westmoreland Ave., Los Angeles 6, Calif. Cloth. Price $1.25. Reaching Boys With a Christian Program . By Dimmock Steeves The author h,ad two aims in mind when lie prepared this little, manual:

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to provide material which would en­ able workers, to organize Christian boys’ clubs that would appeal to boys; and to supply a text by which Chris­ tian young men might train them­ selves for leadership in evangelistic boys’ club work. To these two pur­ poses he has remained faithful, The inexperienced, would-be leader of boys will find his course outlined, with practical advice and workable ma­ terial. There is also a wealth of help for the veteran in this work. The stories included in the chapter, “The Story-Message,” are of a high type, and In each case explanatory of a spir­ itual truth. It is assumed, of course, that Bible stories also would be chosen and used as the valuable illustrations that they are. 104 pages'. M o o d y Press, 153 Institute PL, Chicago TO, 111. Cloth: Price 75 cents. Here is a timely book, interestingly written. The first three chapters deal with the believer’s personal relation to the Lord Jesus Christ. There fol­ lows a group of four chapters dealing with the'Christian home: The Chris­ tian View of Marriage, Christian Nur­ ture in the Family, Things that Mar Family Life, and T h i n g s that Strengthen fam ily Life. The final three chapters have to do with the believer’s relatiof to the work of the church. The book is well outlined, easy to read, and sparkling with apt illustrations. 110 pages. Wm B. Eerd- mans' Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.50. Two sisters, devoted to each other, are loved by men totally different in background and temperament. The experiences that befell them are woven into a plot that is unusual and fasci­ nating. The story sets forth beau­ tifully the worthiness of choosing Christ’s way, to the exclusion of all the attractions -of the w o r l d . 158 pages. Fleming H. Revell Co., New York, N. Y. Cloth. Price $1.25. Dynamic Christian Living By Harold L . Lundquist On the Wings of the Morning By Louise Harrison McCraw

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