King's Business - 1943-12


ON No. 3

HOMER RODEHEAVER'S JUST OUT! A compilation of Gospel Solos with piano accom­ paniment, transposed to meet the requirements of basses, baritones, and con­ traltos. 48 pages, bound In art paper cover.

LOW VOICE No. 1, 2 or 3 EACH, Postpaid........ 50c g ì ORDER TODAY! The RODEHEAYER HALL-MACK I 19 Ninth Street :

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THESE HEW STANDARD UHIFORM LESSON HELPS The first of Standard’s lessons to be revised to give more help to teachers and workers for meeting today’s problems. Every lesson also features unusual pupil appeal:

LIFE STORY OF MRS. D . L. MOODY by her Granddaughter, Emma Afoot// Powell.

Heavenly Destiny , only biography of the life associate of D. L. Moody, evangelist and founder of schools, reveals Mrs. Moody’s share in the destiny of her era, describing a period that "belongs to any history of the social and religious life of the Western world.” A real contribution to Moodyana— the author had access to diaries, letters, records and photo­ graphs never before used. 343 pp. '$2.00

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TODAY . as never before . . . youth needs to be prepared for what tomorrow may bring . . . for service . . . for a vic­ torious American life. YOUTH HYMNAL, containing materia! for complete worship services, meets the needs of our young people better than any other book. It is built around such

topics as Challenge, Con­ secration, Courage, Grati­ t u d e , J e su s , L o y a l t y , P r a y e r , S e r v i c e , and Thanksgiving. 34 Worship Programs,' Re» sponsive Readings, and prayers in its 224 pages,, Dark blue and gold water - proof covet . . . easily cleaned. $45 per 100 not postpaid. Write for free ■examination copy.

• BIBLE TEACHER and LEADER (2 5 c ). deluxe quarterly publication for teachers, superintendents, ministers, other leaders. 112 big pages; magazine and lesson sections, with general help, lesson outline, Bible ex­ position, lifP*ptpblems, etc. • CHRISTIAN HOME LIFE (1 0 c ), quarterly magazine fo r every Christian home — Cradle Roll and Home Department features — articles, poems, stories, daily devotions, everyday problems. • ADULT BIBLE CLASS (8 c ). digest Size, unusual amount of condensed help for all. • YOUTH BIBLE CLASS (8 c ). in digest size, for Senior and Young Peo­ ple’s Departments; streamlined in shape and content. Paper shortage prevents sending samples of above, but books purchased may be re­ turned if not entirely satisfactory. Order now. Address Desk KB- 12 A ls o a v a ila b le on r e q u e s t . Free P ro­ spectus, closely Graded Lessons for all ages. P The Standard Publishing Co. festh and Cutter Streets, Cincinnati, 3, Ohio

Address: I 19 Ninth St.





A BIBLE VERSE FOR YOU TO LEARN Makes the plan of salvation clear to the be­ ginner or primary child. Simple text and brilliantly colored illustrations show the truths of salvation with ap­ propriate memory verses. 16 pages, 814 x 11 inches. Ea., 2 5 c: 12 for «2.75.

EVERY GOOD GIFT Story- song book for beginners and primaries illustrates vividly James 1:17, “ Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above!’ Complete with lyric and accompaniment; bright­ ly colored pictures. 24 pages, 8Yz x 11 inches. Ea., 35c; 12 for $3.75.

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