Feb 2017 Journal - Digital Copy

Dav i d

It's always been a running joke that you wear out more sets of golf clubs at work than work pants. How important have your days on the course been to striking up and maintaining relationships in the industry? Very much so. Golf with all people is a great way to socialise. There is a lot of time spent walking from hole to hole which gives you a chance to talk, strike up and strengthen relationships. There are some big personalities in our industry, how have you dealt with the tricky people? Listen! Provide them the opportunity to present their case! Stay strong and do what you can to overcome their concerns. Provide solutions or alternatives as best you can. Be confident that you have done your best. If that situation is reached and there’s still concern, you need to move on. Apart from the standard answer of "meeting new people", what has been the most enjoyable part of your career in the industry? I'd have to say the industry itself. We generally represent good sociable times. I've worked in the pharmacy industry which in some ways is a total contrast to this one. We know you are not a name dropper but who is the most famous person you have come into contact with over your journey? There have been a few but two who stick out would be Allan McGilvray and Arthur Morris who I was lucky to sit with at a luncheon. They were both Australian cricketing legends but very humble. Allan actually asked me whether his speech was ok. I gave him my approval !!! Great bloke even at that stage of his life at around 85. What haven't you liked about the industry? Massive changes in some ways. However this is life and you have to move with the changes or stagnate. Nothing stays the same. You have remained true to yourself. What's been the secret to sticking to your path? Never try to be anything but yourself. There are plenty of opportunities out there " lots of crumbs make a loaf of bread" I've just started working with Hellfire Bluff Distillery which is a fantastic Tasmanian success story. Gerard Daly and family have diversified their magnificent property to become more sustainable and create employment. As a consequence they have now produced Tasmania's only potato Vodka, a great Gin and a fine liqueur Limoncello - all under the Hellfire name. Try it and I guarantee you will not be disappointed!! All of us at the THA would like to thank David for the massive contribution he's has made to the Tasmanian Hospitality Industry and in particular the time he spent with the association. We wish him well in his new position with Hellfire Bluff Distillery who I am sure are pleased to have him on their team. so respect all customers as all are important.. So where to from here for David Charlesworth?

“Charlie knows everyone”

February 2017


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