Secondary Campus Handbook


Get to know your school: Practise getting to and from school and become familiar with the school grounds. This will help you to navigate your way from class to class.

Set up a daily schedule: Try to get into a regular routine that matches your new school hours. This means setting consistent times for waking up, doing homework, and going to bed. so that you know how much time to allow yourself to get to school on time and ready for learning. Prepare yourself: Prepare your school bag and locker with essential items that you need for a successful school day. This will include learning materials (laptop, books, textbooks, stationary), items to fuel your body throughout the day (water, food), and any personal care items that you may need. Keep a copy of your timetable handy—this might be attached to the top of your laptop screen, a laminated copy that you take with you throughout the day, and a copy to blu - tack to the inside of your locker to support with your daily organisation. Ask for help when needed: Don ’ t be afraid to ask questions in class or seek help from your teachers if you ’ re struggling with something. Taking charge of your own learning is key to your success. If you ’ re feeling lost or need extra help, don ’ t hesitate to reach out to students and staff. Be Yourself: Stay true to who you are. Starting at a new school is a chance to make new friends and explore new interests, but it ’ s important to stay true to yourself. Don ’ t feel like you need to change to fit in.

Be patient: Adjusting to a new school takes time. It ’ s okay if everything doesn ’ t fall into place right away. Give yourself the space to adapt, and before you know it, you ’ ll feel at home.


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