Firsts 2021 - Saatchi Gallery

Fi r s t s 2021


SCREWTAPE IN DUSTWRAPPER 47. LEWIS, C.S. THE SCREWTAPE LETTERS Bles, 1942. First edition. An abnormally fresh example of a fragile produc - tion, in the uncommon dustwrapper. One of the author’s most acclaimed books, encompassing Lewis’s consummate abilities as both a storyteller and a theologian. £4,000 GEORGE ORWELL’S WEDDING PRESENTS 48. [ORWELL, George]; SURTEES, R. S. ASK MAMMA; PLAIN OR RINGLETS Bradbury, Agnew, and Co., [1892]. Malcolm Muggeridge’s wedding present to Orwell upon his deathbed marriage to Sonia Bronwell. Inscribed by Mug - geridge on the front free endpaper of each volume, “To George & Sonia, on the occassion of their wedding, with love, Mal - colm Muggeridge, Oct. 1949.” Any books owned by George Orwell are rare in commerce, and none hitherto offered have possessed such matchless poignancy. £9,500 SYLVIA PLATH’S LOVE LETTERS TO TED HUGHES 49. PLATH, Sylvia EIGHT TYPED AND AUTOGRAPH LET- TERS TO TED HUGHES October 1956 Sylvia Plath’s letters to Ted Hughes are the greatest literary love letters offered for sale since those of Robert and Elizabeth Browning in 1913. Like those of the Brownings, these eight let - ters, written between October 1 st and 22 nd , cover a relatively short period of separation during their relationship. The whole scope of Plath’s life is covered, from mundane col - lege social events and pulling an all-nighter to finish a paper on Augustine, to heightened creativity and vivid literary criti- cism. The letters are written with a passionate honesty, baring herself and her emotions to Hughes unfiltered. Dedicated cat - alogue with full descriptions available separately. Each letter priced and sold indvidually: from £35,000

First edition. Inscribed by Hughes for Laurie Lee on the front endpaper, “To Laurie, the new boat finds the olds rocks, Ted Hughes, June 8th 67”. £1,500

FINE M. R. JAMES 43. JAMES, M.R. GHOST-STORIES OF AN ANTIQUARY Ed- ward Arnold, 1904. First edition. An exceptional example of a very difficult book to obtain in fine condition. The author’s first collection of ghost stories, which quickly became a seminal work. £3,000 44. JAMES, M.R. THE COLLECTED GHOST STORIES OF M.R.JAMES Arnold, 1931. First edition. An exceptionally fine copy in a very good dust - wrapper. Most uncommon in a dustwrapper. £1,500 INSCRIBED BY JAMES JOYCE 45. JOYCE, James ULYSSES The Odyssey Press, 1932. Odyssey Press edition. Inscribed by Joyce nine days before his death, “To Gustave Zumsteg, with many thanks and best wishes, James Joyce, Zurich, New Year 1941”. Gustav was the son of the proprietor of the legendary Kronenhalle restaurant in Zürich. £35,000 FINE, UNCUT, UNOPENED 46. LAWRENCE, D.H. LADY CHATTERLEY’S LOVER Pri- vately printed, 1928. First edition. Number 19 in a limited edition of 1000 copies pri - vatelyprintedfor theauthor inFlorence. Signedonthe limitation page. An exceptional copy. Lawrence’s most famous work and one of the most controversial books of the century. £22,500


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