Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology Catalog: 1970-1971

These courses must be completed prior to the internship. Required courses in this sequence are:

Assessment of Intelligence Personality Assessment I, II, III Occupational and Educational Information Theory and Development of Interests Vocational Counseling Psychopathology Principles of Counseling and Psychotherapy Advanced Techniques in Counseling and Psychotherapy Group Techniques in Counseling Practicum

Following completion of these courses the student spends his re- maining time in elective study, integration seminars in psychology and theology, dissertation research and one full year of internship in an approved setting.


P501 Statistics I (4)

A review of fundamental concepts and the application of statistical techniques such as sampling, inference, correlation and hypothesis testing. Prerequisite: Undergraduate statistics

P502 Statistics II (4)

Higher statistical techniques as applied to the design and inter­ pretation of experimental and observational research. Procedures include analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, multiple re­ gression, etc. Prerequisite: P501

P503 Research Methodology (4)

A survey of research methods and experimental design in the field of psychology. The interpretation of data and the reporting of results. Prerequisite: P502

P511 History of Psychology (4)

A study of the important antecedents and developmental trends leading to contemporary psychology. Emphasis is placed on the development of major schools of thought and research advances 25

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