THERE IS NO HEALTH OR SAFETY FOR ALL, WITHOUT INCLUDING WOMEN. Eva Croon & Frank Weckner In March 2022, our track came together to get to know each other and find out about our Delegates' strengths and perspectives. We were a group with diverse backgrounds and different perspec- tives. We concretised what it means for all to live healthily and safely, specifically for women and other marginalized groups. The topic of health is always very closely linked to one's personal life, which is why we also had various opportunities to share our different personal experiences to under- stand where the other person is coming from. Having experienced a global pandemic that not only brought to light but also exacerbated existing inequalities, we have noticed the particularly serious consequences that affect (young) women and marginalised groups. COVID-19 has had devas- tating impacts on the world’s health, showing how a lack of multilateral agreements and partnerships further exacerbates inequality. The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine also impacted our work and made us focus on the weaknesses in our food systems, showing once again that effects of war are suffered far beyond the battlefield. After years of decline, hunger is on the rise again. Currently, 41 million people across 43 countries are at immi- nent risk of famine without funding and humani- tarian access. We were lucky that our topic “Global Health and Solidarity” was already a central theme of the German G7 Presidency. Given this, we had the chance to bring in new perspectives and to intro- duce somewhat more daring approaches to some- thing that was already discussed. We especially tried to cover the topics looking through a feminist lens, enhancing equality for people of all genders – including men. The following topics served as our working basis: 1. Women’s Health 2. Food Security and Conflict 3. Global Partnerships Our Delegates divided into subtopics according
to their best interest. They researched the topics, what each G7 member is doing in the field and how they addressed these issues during the pandemic. They wrote background papers with further links to governmental and institutional information and identified civil society stakeholders already active in the field. Therefore, the Delegates were able to prioritise the most pressing issues and started drafting the recommendations. Exceptionally, our Delegates finished their zero-draft before the last digital meeting. When we met in Berlin, the Track had time for energetic and constructive discus- sions and enjoyed meeting in person for further exchanges. Achieving healthy populations with high levels of solidarity to scale up measures and humanitarian action for those in need is key to strong, equal and just societies. These are interconnected with multi- lateralism and global cooperation, food safety and health, especially for marginalised groups. Our Delegates advocate for a world, where women in all their diversity, inclusive of gender identity, are safe. Thus, we as Youth7 call on G7 Leaders to invest adequately in healthcare, meeting the reality of the crises COVID-19 as an interconnected crisis brought us. Our Delegates advocate for a world, where women in all their diversity, inclusive of gender iden- tity, are safe. This means no more gender-based violence, and that gender discrimination in health- care is effectively addressed. Sexual and reproduc- tive health and rights are guaranteed. Further, our Delegates addressed the topic of food insecurity, advising to tackle not only agroterrorism but also income inequality, climate change and conflict. A strong focus was also put on the significant challenges posed by COVID-19. The current mental health crises especially affecting young people
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