YOUTH7 Germany 2022 - Executive Report



Cooperating on Foreign & Security Policy | World in Conflict As Youth 7 we are deeply disappointed to see that the Leaders’ Communiqué did not mention the Youth, Peace and Security agenda. We are pleased to see that the Women, Peace and Security agenda is addressed and promoted. We will continue to call upon G7 leaders to lead by example in the implementation and institutionali- sation of the UN Security Council Resolutions 2250, 2419 and 2535 and to develop national action plans. Mental Health As Youth7, we repeatedly called for action and political commitment in support for mental health. The disruptive impact of the Covid19 pandemic has laid bare the urgency to address growing challenges on mental health, exacerbated by the stresses in climate anxiety, economic distress and escalating conflict. We highly welcome that G7 Leaders listened to the voice of young people.

Stronger Together: Addressing Food Security & Advancing Gender Equality

„Without doubt, mental health will continue to remain an immanent challenge for our generation. We successfully urged G7 Leaders to include mental health in their policies and right and centre of the political agenda. Now action has to follow suit.” Carolina Claus, Co-Chair We welcome the G7 Statement on Global Food Security and the joint provision of US $ 4.5 bln in financial support via the Global Alliance for Food Security to ease the burden on the societies most affected, in particular on the African continent. In pursuing the goal to lift 500 million people out of hunger and malnutrition, the G7 give their much- needed impetus for the UN Agenda 2030 and the Zero Hunger Coalition. Resilience of Democracies We endorse the Joint Statement 2022 Resilient Democracies Statement adopted by G7 members and partners. We fully support the expressed commitments to protect and foster open, pluralistic and gender-eq- uitable Civic Spaces.

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