

Counties council welcomes budget surplus report

reviewing the finance department’s update report on revisions to the 2014 budget. This year’s budget was approved before the end of 2013 but staff continued to make adjust- ments based on suggestions from UCPR council and also allowing for other factors affecting both planned expenses and an- ticipated revenues. Stéphane Parisien, UCPR chief adminis- trator, noted that early planning and adop- tion of the 2014 budget “kept us honest” because counties staff did not try to esti- mate and factor in any possible “growth speculations” that the provincial Municipal

Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) might make in local land values for 2014 compared to the past year. Counties staff based the 2014 budget on MPAC’s 2013 property evaluation for Prescott-Russell and stayed conservative on other revenue sources while keeping a tight hold on priority expenses. The end result was a “negative tax rate” budget for 2014 where the residential property tax rate went down and the 2014 budget revi- sion report maintains that negative tax rate result. The 2014 residential tax rate is $433.07 for every $100,000 assessed value of a home and land compared to the 2013 rate of $442.55. This is a 2.1 per cent reduction in the UCPR residential tax rate and works out to $9.48 less paid in tax to the counties for every $100,000 assessed value of a residen- tial property.

The municipal levy portion of the coun- ties budget is now $37,440,000. Parisien also noted some welcome financial news on this year’s hot mix paving contract for the counties. “We’re actually $850,000 underspent,” he said. Parisien noted that the surprise extra sur- plus means counties council and staff can consider several possibilities including put- ting the money in reserve, using it to deal with “bottlenecks” on the Prescott-Russell Trail, or taking care of other road paving needs on the UCPR public works priority list. After discussion and reviewing several ideas, counties council voted to put the $850,000 towards shoulder paving along county roads and also resolved that paving the shoulders of county roads will become a regular part of the annual UCPR public works budget.


L’ORIGNAL | There are few pleasures more enjoyable for local government officials than contemplating what to do with a budget surplus. Even more so when it is an unexpected one. Mayors at the table for the United Coun- ties of Prescott-Russell council’s (UCPR) April 23 regular session spent at least half an hour or more tossing around ideas after


UCPR commits to ecoLarose The United Counties of Prescott-Russell council is making good on its promise to “put its money where its mouth is” on the ecoLarose conference centre project. Counties council gave unanimous approval April 23 to a resolution declaring the ecoLarose Centre as a “priority project” for 2014 and to create a special reserve of $4 million from the UCPR’s Working Capital Fund to show commitment to the project to both the provincial and federal governments and any other potential sources of support funding for the centre. The $4 million ecoLarose reserve fund represents one-third of the estimated $12 million cost for the project which is located in the Larose Forest, a community forest managed by the counties, straddling the boundary between The Nation municipality and the City of Clarence-Rockland.

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