Real Estate Journal — Southern New Jersey — April 14 - 27, 2017 — 11B
M id A tlantic
S outhern N ew J ersey
The Evans School consists of more than 78,213 s/f and is situated on an 11.86 Acre site WCRE adds to growing number of assignments of educational and institutional properties in SNJ M arlton, NJ — Wo l f Comme r - cial Real Estate user for this highly desirable property.” WCRE is a full-service com-
panies, banks, commercial loan servicers, and investors seeking the highest quality of service, proven expertise, and a total commitment to client-focused relationships. Through our intensive fo- cus on our clients’ business goals, our commitment to the community, and our highly personal approach to client service, WCRE is creating a new culture and a higher standard. We go well beyond helping with property transac- tions and serve as a strategic partner invested in your long term growth and success. n
mercial real estate bro- kerage and advisory firm specializing in office, re- tail, medical, i n d u s t r i a l and invest- ment proper-
( W C R E ) h a s b e e n a p p o i n t e d a g e n t t o market and l e a s e t h e F.V. Evans Elementary School , lo- cated at 400
Chris Henderson
Jason Wolf
ties in Southern New Jersey and the Philadelphia region. We provide a complete range of real estate services to com- mercial property owners, com-
Rte. 73 in Marlton. The list- ing adds to WCRE’s growing number of assignments of educational and institutional properties in the Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey region. The Evans School consists of more than 78,213 s/f and is situated on an 11.86 acre site offering excellent visibility on the heavily traveled Rte. 73 in Marlton. The Evans School is plan- ning to close at the end of June, 2017, has a campus-like atmosphere with 41 class- rooms, 6,248 s/f gym, 2,172 s/f library, a bus drop off area, 87 parking spaces and multiple ball fields and play areas. The school has undergone several additions and renovations. In the summer of 2000, a new 5th grade wing was added. In the summer of 2004, a new playground was built, and the inside of Evans school has been constantly updated and refreshed, including new roofing during the summer of 2011. John Recchinti, School Business Administrator of Evesham Township School District said, “We were searching for experienced commercial real estate firms who were knowledgeable about local demographics and school properties. WCRE stood out because of their extensive experience working with schools and a breadth of knowledge of the local real es- tate market and community. They also understood our mission and showed sensitiv- ity concerning our position and desires.” WCRE’s institutional spe- cialist team of Chris Hen- derson and Jason Wolf said, “WCRE is proud to part- ner with Evesham Township Board of Education as our latest institutional relation- ship in Southern New Jersey. We look forward to apply- ing our WCRE 360 market- ing approach to find a new
The Evans School
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