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Constructed by Mericle in CenterPoint Commerce & Trade Park East, Jenkins Township Apollo Flow Controls to consolidate distribution operations in CenterPoint East J www.marejournal.com M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Pennsylvania — Section C enkins Twp., PA — Apollo Flow Controls will consolidate Northeast U.S.
s/f building constructed on speculation by Mericle at 500 Keystone Ave. LASCO Fittings has been a tenant of Mericle’s in the Hanover Industrial Es- tates since 2003. Local Service Center opera- tions manager Jack Novitski said being located in Northeast- ern Pennsylvania will make it possible for the companies to get their products to northeast cus- tomers within one business day. “Our proximity to our cus- tomers, our dedicated work- ers, and the region’s excellent trucking firms will combine to help us deliver our full line of flow serve products quickly and efficiently,” he said. “When Apollo Flow Controls decided to consolidate distribution opera- tions, LASCO’s prior success in Northeastern Pennsylvania did not go unnoticed,” he said. Novitski said Apollo will em- ploy 30 people in the building “As the Hanover community has grown, and the needs of our clients have grown, there are additional areas of expertise that have become necessary for our clients,” Kelley said. “This move makes us stronger, as I believe Barley Snyder is the finest firm in central PA. The attorneys we’ve worked with in the past at Barley, they’ve always been impressive and knowledgeable. We’ve just seen a greater and greater need as our practice has grown exponentially to hire more staff and more skilled practitioners. Merging with Barley was the best solution for us as a firm going forward.” The merger provides Barley Snyder with a second Hanover office at Stonesifer and Kelley’s 209 Broadway location. The two locations will consolidate and Stonesifer and Kelley’s attor- neys and employees will move into the current Barley Snyder office on Hanover’s Center Square later in 2017. In addition, the merger pro- vides Barley Snyder with one of its growth goals – a Get- tysburg location. Stonesifer and Kelley had been planning to open a downtown office in
once the full product lines of the three companies are ready for distribution. “We think it’s likely that in the near future, we will add similar products to complement our current lines of products used in the Northeast market,” he said. Mericle vice president Bob Besecker coordinated the real estate transaction along with Cushman &Wakefield ex- ecutive director Gerry Bline- bury and senior director Leah Balerno of the firm’s Harris- burg and Philadelphia’s offices and Britt Casey of the firm’s Rosemont, Illinois office. Mericle constructed the building on speculation on 22.72 acres immediately adja- cent to I-81. The building fea- tures 30’ to 36’4” ceiling clear heights, 26 loading doors, and energy-efficient utilities. The building is one mile from I-81 and I-476. n the historic borough, but put off the office’s opening until its merger negotiations had been completed. Barley Sny- der plans to open that office in April. Barley Snyder cur- rently operates five offices in Pennsylvania in Lancaster, York, Reading, Hanover and Malvern, as well as in Hunt Valley, Md. “Gettysburg is a vibrant area and a county seat where we believe we can be very strong,” Barley Snyder’s Jeff Lobach said. “We already have a num- ber of Gettysburg and Adams County clients, and have been looking at the Gettysburg area for expansion. We think our firm’s core philosophies that work so well elsewhere in central Pennsylvania will be a perfect fit for businesses in Gettysburg.” All of Stonesifer and Kelley’s employees will be retained by Barley Snyder during and after the transition. Harry G. Stonesifer began practice in 1951 in Hanover, and partnered with Kelley in 1981 to form Stonesifer and Kelley. It has been at the Broadway location since its initial 1951 formation. n
distribution o p e r a t i o n s for three of its affiliates into a build- ing recently constructed by Mericle Commercial Real Estate
Bob Besecker
HI-LIGHTS April 14 - 27, 2017 Services in CenterPoint Com- merce & Trade Park East, Jenkins Twp. Part of Aalberts Industries
Apollo Flow Controls building
of Langbroek, Netherlands, Apollo Flow Controls produces and sells the most complete line of flow control products in the commercial and industrial markets today. The company has operations across the U.S. with manufacturing in North York and Hanover, PA — Barley Snyder’s York- based managing partner Jeff Lobach has announced the firm has merged with Hanover law firm Stonesifer and Kel- ley . Lobach said negotiations between the two firms lasted a couple of months before both sides agreed to move forward with the merger. The merger brings the total attorney head- count at Barley Snyder to 78, an all-time high for Barley Snyder, Lobach said. Through a transition period after the merger, Stonesifer and Kelley will be known as “Stonesifer and Kelley, a divi- sion of Barley Snyder.” “This is a great day for Bar- ley Snyder, and for Stonesifer and Kelley,” Lobach said. “We all worked very hard on this merger because we both knew this was the best thing for both firms and their clients. Everyone is going to benefit from this.” Stonesifer and Kelley partner Scott Kelley said his firm’s work has grown dramatically over the past decade as ad- ditional governmental regula- tions and keen firm outreach
Carolina, South Carolina, Indi- ana, and Tennessee. The project will consolidate distribution operations for Apollo Valves, Elkhart Prod- ucts Corporation and LASCO Fittings, Inc., which will dis- tribute products from a 232,500
SPO TLIGHT 5-12C Southeastern PA
Stonesifer and Kelleymerges with Barley Snyder
A New Approach to Multifamily Construction
provided additional work and a new generation of clients for the firm that formed in 1981. But the growth his firm experienced in the last decade necessitated expertise in new practice areas to meet client demand. The firm chose to merge with Barley Snyder, with Bar- ley Snyder bringing on new clients and attorneys, and Stonesifer and Kelley gaining the tremendous strength and considerable resources of the growing 61-year-old firm. Kel- ley will take on a leadership position with Barley Snyder in the Hanover area. Shown from left: Jeff Lobach, and Scott Kelley
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