
14C — April 14 - 27, 2017 — Commercial Real Estate Women — Pennsylvania — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


Lehigh Valley Chapter www.crewlehighvalley.org Commercial Real Estate Women Mayor Sal Panto Updates CREW LV on Easton’s Revitalization

2017 L ehigh V alley B oard of D irectors P resident K ristin H olmes H olmes C unningham E ngineering P resident E lect B etsy S hamberger M oonstone environmental

P ast P resident P amela M orris L iberty P roperty T rust S ecretary

M arie M c C onnell , E sq . F itzpatrick L entz &,B ubba , PC C orresponding S ecretary S andy K uhns K&H C ustom W indow T reatments T reasurer J ennifer K eat , CPA T ubiello -H arr & A ssociates D irectors at L arge K aren D uerholtz B oyle C onstruction J ulie M acomb ,E sq . N orris M c L aughlin & M arcus , PA C ommittee C hairs M embership

Easton Mayor Sal Panto

Easton, PA — About 50 members and guests of CREW Lehigh Valley gathered in the auditorium of the Sigal Museum for a fascinating pre- sentation by EastonMayor Sal Panto on March 29. The mayor credited Easton’s resurgence of development on the city’s focus on promoting the arts, tourism, and special events. He said the genesis of activity can be traced to the renovation and revital- ization of the State Theater, which offers a year-round schedule of live stage perfor- mances ranging from Broad- way productions to top musical performers. “When there’s a performance at the State, res- taurants in a five-mile radius are booked,” he noted. The city’s trendy restau- rants and festivals, including Bacon Fest and the Riverside Festival of the Arts, attract visitors who often the decide to become residents, spurring the renovation of former office and commercial buildings into apartments attractive to both millennials and boomers.

The success of the Crayola Experience inspired the city’s exploration of a new family- friendly venue, a re-imagined Da Vinci Science Center, ex- pected to relocate from Al- lentown. The new facility is proposed to expand to 170,000 square feet and include every- thing from a 3-Dmovie theater to an aquarium with sharks. To facilitate the project, the city bought for six-million- dollars a three-acre site that currently contains a hotel, Panto said. The program concluded with a tour of the nearby Easton Public Market, an initiative of the Greater Easton Develop- ment Partnership. The market features a winery, artisinal food vendors, a farmstand, demonstration kitchen, and community room, attracting diners and shoppers Wednes- days through Sundays. n The event began at the Sigal Museum

Easton Public Market features 14 vendors

D arlene P ors H ope P earson P ublicity B etsy S tory -B ono T ina H onthy S ocial M edia K aisha R osa A bigail M artin C ommunity S ervice J ody K ing C assidy F laherty N ominations K ristin H olmes P am M orris B etsy S chamberger

Members enjoyed samples from Tolino Vineyard

SPONSORS Gold BB&T • Concannon Miller• Liberty Property Trust Duke Realty • PennCap Properties Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus • Pennoni Fitzpatrick Lenz & Bubba • Servpro Patron Tubiello-Haar Associates • Boyle Construction • ECSI Newmark Grubb Knight Frank Contributor NAI Summit • Gross McGinley • MKSD Hanna Frederick Commercial Campbell Rappold & Yurasits • Fox Rothschild Friend Barry Isett & Associates • Buckno Lisicky & Co CFI-Knoll • DesignPoint • Feinberg Real Estate Advisors HMK Insurance • Holmes Cunningham Engineering Jerdon Construction Services • J.G. Petrucci Co, Inc. K+H Custom Window Treatments Langan Engineering • QNB Bank • RCN Spillman Farmer Architects

COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE MEETS MEDICAL MARIJUANNA Last spring, Governor Tom Wolf signed into law Pennsylvania’s compassionate medical cannabis legislation. This spring, applica- tions for grower/processors as well as dispensaries are being accepted by the PA Department of Health. Join a panel assem- bled by CREW Lehigh Valley to explore real estate related issues relating to the new industry. Panelists are: • Julie Macomb, Esq., Norris McLaughlin & Marcus • Susan Youngs, V.P., Commercial Banking, Wells Fargo • Lisa Pektor, President, PennCap Properties • Denise Hozza, CPA, Concannon Miller & Co., PC • Becky Bradley, Executive Director, Lehigh Valley Planning Commission When: 11:30 -1 p.m. Thursday, April 27 Where: Brookside Country Club,901 Willow Lane, Macungie, PA Cost: $35 members/$55 guests Register at the events section of www.crewlehighvalley.org Registration closes April 20.

S ponsorship P am M orris P rograms

J ennifer K ennedy S haron M ichaels F rancee F uller F oundation C hampion A nnie O sika D elegates L isa P ektor P enn C ap P roperties F or membership information contact : D arlene P ors drpors @ htlyons . com

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