
Real Estate Journal — Healthcare/Medical Properties — April 14 - 27, 2017 — 7A


M id A tlantic

D elaware Leasing 4,685 s/f of office and 1.5 acres of training space at 618 Lambson Lane HHA welcomes American Driver Training Academy to Delaware River Industrial Park N ew Castle, DE — Harvey, Han- na & Associates,

American Driver Training Academy recently celebrated the opening of their new facil- ity by hosting an open house and ribbon cutting celebra- tion on Friday, February 24th with the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce. Lo- cal businesses, clients and vendors attended the event which also featured truck demonstrations, door prizes, giveaways, food and refresh- ments. “We are excited to welcome American Driver Training Academy to the Delaware River Industrial Park. Their

business concept is an ideal fit with its immediate proximity to the Port of Wilmington, Delaware Memorial Bridge and access to the full inter- state interchanges of I-95, I-295 and I-495,”said Thom- as Hanna , COO / managing director, HHA. American Driver Training Academy recently opened the new training facility by leasing 4,685 s/f of office and 1.5 acres of training space at 618 Lambson Lane located at the Delaware River Indus- trial Park (DRIP) managed by HHA. n

Inc. (HHA) w e l c o m e d Am e r i c a n T r a i n i n g Driver Acad- emy to the D e l a w a r e River Indus- trial Park in New Castle.

Thomas Hanna

B e c k e r Mo r - gan Group hires Johnson, III as a civil designer Dover, DE — William Johnson, III joins the Do- ver office of Becker Morgan

American Driver Training Academy recently opened the new training facility at 618 Lambson Lane located at the Delaware River Industrial Park (DRIP) managed by HHA



Group as a civil design- er. He gradu- ated with an Associate in Civil Engi- neering Tech- nology from D e l a w a r e T e c h n i c a l

Community College and has over 30 years of professional experience. Johnson worked as an Adjunct Professor for Civil Drafting for 5 years at Dela- ware Technical Community College. His project experience with Becker Morgan Group includes MedCore Partners Physical Rehabilitation Hos- pital in Dover, DE; The Cas- cades in Newark, DE; Seashore Crossing in Georgetown, DE; and Saint Anne’s Subdivision in Middletown, DE. n William Johnson, III Pu b l i c - p r i v a t e partnership . . . continued from page 6A ply as an effort to privatize statewide economic development in Delaware,” the report states. “Privatization is not what the working group is recommend- ing.” The report leaves the door open, however, for the partner- ship to take on more tasks if the State determines it would be more effective. The report highlights the need for transparency, metrics, and investment from both the private and public sides of the partnership. The Delaware Prosperity Part- nership would be structured as a nonprofit and led by 15 board members and two co-chairs (one being the governor and the other a prominent business leader). n

In Line Spaces from 1600sf to 15,700sf / 10,000sf Ready Now! 5 Padsites from 1.4ac to 1.9ac / Approved & Improved Call Madison Rogers 302-429-8700 / MRogers@CapanoInc.com

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