
Underwritten by: Family Life Insurance Company 10777 Northwest Freeway, Houston, TX 77092 Toll Free Telephone: 800-669-9030

Benefits and riders may vary by state and may not be available in all states. This is not a complete disclosure of plan qualifications and limitations. Please access our website to obtain a completed list for the Viva Living Benefits products at disclosure.manhattanlife.com . Please review this information before applying for coverage. The amount of benefits provided depends on the plan selected. Premiums will vary according to the selection made. POLICY FORM NUMBERS: FGAP02, FGAP29-OK, FWL13, (Including state variations) RIDER FORM NUMBERS: CIABR-02, FGAIR01, FGAIR29OK, CIABR-4LA, FGADR01, FGADR12LA, FGADR29OK, FGSAD01, FGSAD12LA, FGSAD29OK, FGCIB01, FGCIB29OK (Including state variations) SUICIDE EXCLUSION Suicide of the Insured, whether sane or insane, within two years* of the Date of Issue or the date of any reinstatement is not covered. In such event, we will refund all premiums paid on the policy. *Varies by state. Family Life Insurance Company is a member of Manhattan Insurance Group located in Houston, Texas. Family Life offers Viva Life to help provide a secure financial future to family members in the event of a premature death of a parent, spouse or family member. Manhattan Insurance Group is recognized in the industry for our commitment in providing quality products, personal customer service, and financial soundness. This brochure only provides a brief description of the important features of your policy. Only the actual policy provisions will control; therefore, it is important that you READ YOUR POLICY CAREFULLY.

This brochure only provides a brief description of the important features of your policy. Only the actual policy provisions will control; therefore, it is important that you READ YOUR POLICY CAREFULLY.

SOURCE INFORMATION 1 American Cancer Society, 2013 Facts and Figures 2 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-At-a-Glance, 2015 update: American Heart Association.

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