M4MM/Iconoclast Climate Smart Presentation

Why Industrial Hemp? Hemp only accounts for .0032% of the annual USDA reported farmland utilization, illustrating the enormity of the opportunity and the challenge for the largest new crop entry in United States history.

Hemp has many applications, but many farmers chased the CBD market, which anticipated rulings by the FDA in 2019 and have yet to occur

Hemp Fiber is the outer most layer of the hemp plant stalk, often used for textiles, ropes, bioplastics, and even asphalt.

Hemp Hurd is the inner most layer of the hemp plant stalk and can be made into a “wood chip” type product, which can be used for animal bedding, wood replacement products, and more. Hemp Grain can be pressed into oil for fuel products and also has significant nutritional value. The outer shell of the grain can be used for animal feed and more.

Hemps true value is in the industrial materials market

Farmers have been reluctant to farm due to lack of available funding, commoditized crop pricing, and lack of crop insurance

Hemp Flower when processed makes cannabinoids which are used in CBD products.

Carbon Credits are created in the farming process both through the crops and the soil. These credits are measured through our software, CarbonTrack, and given a value in which companies can purchase. Carbon Credits will be an essential part of every business’ tax payments come 2030.

This is NOT floral hemp and no CBD will be produced.

Carbon Credit

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