The Violet Connection 1

PASSION 2024 Violet Collegiate ministry took 5 students to Atlanta, Georgia for the Passion 2024 Conference on January 3rd-5th. Passion is a yearly gathering of 55,000 college students/young adults from ages 18- 25 from all over the world. Students unite together in worship, prayer and the reading of God's Word for two days at the beginning of each year. Our students had a blast and can't wait to go back. Below are a few testimonies from those who attended." "I had never been in a room that I felt so open to cry tears of joy worshipping our Lord. It was a moment that will forever be in my heart. And to see 55,000 others worship and sing these songs - it was just breathtaking, and beautiful." - Preston Rhoades "I can’t even begin to describe how amazing this opportunity was. Worshiping God with 54,999 other people was out of this world. I can’t express how amazing it was to be singing some of my favorite worship songs with so many people who love God just as much as I do. Life can get stressful sometimes and this soul refresh was exactly what I needed. God did so much in my heart during Passion, and I can’t wait to see how He continues to work in and through me. Through this trip, I have made some amazing friendships that will last a lifetime. I can’t wait to go back next year!" - Hannah Naess




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