The Violet Connection 1


ERIC FLYNN EXECUTIVE PASTOR Eric joined the staff at Violet in 2018. He is a

Pickerington graduate and still calls Pickerington home. He and his wife, Kelly, were married in 2003 and have been blessed with three children: Aiden, Elizabeth, and Jonathan. He enjoys spending time with his family and friends, diving into new podcasts, serving his community, watching Ohio State football, and following all things related to Philadelphia sports. When he’s not at a local ballfield cheering on one of his children’s sports teams, you can usually find him around a coffee pot connecting with an old friend or making a new one. Eric is passionate about serving his community, building relationships, and seeing lives transformed by Christ.


Brian became a follower of Jesus at age five. He has been a part of the pastoral team at Violet since 2001. He married his wife, Sarah, in 2001; and they have three children: Hannah, Johan, and Joshua. Brian is a 1997 graduate of Cedarville Universality and has a Master of Divinity degree from Rockbridge Seminary. In his free time, Brian loves to camp with his family, talk on his ham radio, and care for his honeybees.


Keith joined the staff at Violet in 2007. He grew up in Reynoldsburg and went to Cedarville University, where he met his wife, Debbie. They have been married since 1995, and they have three daughters: Anna, Emily, and Sydney. Keith enjoys time with family; reading; listening to podcasts; walking; playing chess; and supporting the Buckeyes, Reds, and Bengals. Keith came to know Christ as an 18-year-old due to the influence of godly peers and godly older mentors. He is passionate about seeing students transformed by Christ through authentic discipleship.


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