The Violet Connection 1


Hello Violet Family!

As we reflect back on the year 2023, it is evident that God's hand was at work through Violet Baptist Church. It was a year filled with exciting milestones, impactful ministries, and the deepening of our connection with Pickerington and the Central Ohio communities that we serve. Throughout the year, we witnessed the power of unity and the strength in our congregation. Our church family came together, regardless of age, background, or circumstances, to create an atmosphere of love and support. Together, we embarked on a journey of faith, reaching out to one another and to those in need, spreading hope and compassion outside of the four walls of the church building. Violet's ministries thrived in 2023, as we sought to impact lives in Pickerington and the Central Ohio community. We launched numerous outreach programs, partnering with Pickerington Schools, the City of Pickerington and multiple other organizations to meet the needs of the homeless, the hungry, and the marginalized. Through these efforts, we witnessed families receiving life giving support, relationships being formed, and, most importantly, lives being transformed by Jesus Christ. As we look ahead to the year 2024, our hearts are filled with excitement and anticipation for what God has in store for Violet Baptist Church! We are convinced that the best is yet to come, and with grateful hearts, we are ready to embark on a new chapter of healthy growth, love, and engagement with our neighbors for the sole reason that they will have a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

In Christ Alone, Pastor Eric

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