and Lord Shiva whose feet are worthy of worship with devotion. O Lord Nrsimha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.
yad rūpam āgama - śira ḥ pratipādhyamādhya | ādhyātmikādi paritāpa haram vicintyam || yogīśvarair apathagākhila do ṣ a sa ṅ ghai ḥ | sa tvam n ṛ si ṁ ha mayi dehi k ṛ pā -valokam ||4||
By contemplating or meditating upon Your appearance, which is expounded in the Vedas extensively, the best of the saints are liberated from the three-fold miseries and from all misfortunes. O Lord Nrsimha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.
prahlāda bhakta vacasā harir āvirāsa | stambhe hira ṇ yakaśipu ṁ ya udhārabhāva ḥ || urvau nidhāya udharam nakhārai dadhāra | sa tvam n ṛ si ṁ ha mayi dehi k ṛ pā -valokam ||5||
By the word of His devotee named Prahlada, Lord Hari, who is generous and kind, appeared from a pillar and by placing Hiranyakasipu on His thighs split open the his stomach with His nails. O Lord Nrsimha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.
yo naija bhakta ṁ analāmbudhi bhūdharogra | ś ṛṇ ga- prapāta viśa dhamti sarīsu pebhya ḥ | sarvātmaka ḥ parama- kāru ṇ iko rarak ṣ a | sa tvam n ṛ si ṁ ha mayi dehi k ṛ pā -valokam ||6||
You protected your own devotee Prahlada from a raging fire, the deep ocean, from falling from a tall mountain peak, poison, a mad elephant and the fangs of poisonous serpents. You are omnipresent and supremely generous. O Lord
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