Research Magazine 2021

National Science Foundation Grant:

ImPACT IT: Increasing the Participation and AdvanCemenT of Women in Information Technology

Adriane B. Randolph

Overview Currently, only 20 percent of US Information Systems faculty at the rank of full professor are women. Moreover, the data are insufficiently granular to determine howmany of these women belong to groups traditionally underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), such as African-Americans, Native Americans, and Latinx. In conjunction with the Association for Information Systems (AIS), Dr. Adriane Randolph and a team of investigators across five institutions are working to promote the advancement of women in the field; specifically, to increase the number promoted to “full”. The National Science Foundation’s Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE) program has awarded a three-year, million-dollar grant in support of ImPACT: Increasing the Participation and AdvanCement of Women in Information Technology (Award # 2017130). It is designed to catalyze action and foster accountability in the Information Systems academic field by supporting women’s efforts to advance and increasing the number of women who achieve the rank of full professor. Activities such as forming working groups to review existing data mechanisms and AIS processes, identifying best practices, and conducting anti-implicit bias awareness and intervention training for AIS, represent a major strategic opportunity for the AIS as a professional society to drive positive change through increased diversity and inclusion.

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