King's Business - 1933-08

September, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


(April 20, 1928), fixed on that year for the coming of the Messiah: The date of the Messiah’s coming is stated in Daniel: counting exactly from the time this was spoken to Daniel, viz., 3388, brings us to the end of the year 5688 (the present year). The Jews also are learning that, while it is their privilege to know that “ Messiah’s time” “ is near” (Matt. 2 4 :33 ), yet fixing upon “ that day and hour” which “ no man knoweth” (Matt. 24:36) is folly. Among Christians who still study and believe the Scrip­ tures, everywhere, irrespective of denominational affilia­ tion, you will hear expressed the firm conviction that Christ’s coming is nigh at hand. This expectancy is so world-wide that it would seem the great Bridegroom can­ not refuse to heed the heart-cry of His beloved. Will He leave her, crying out in the night — in vain? We doubt that He will! The World’s Heart-Failure Even those who are not on tiptoe with expectancy, look­ ing for the Leader in a religious sense, are, nevertheless, more and more admitting the need o f the coming of the Leader in a political sense, if civilization is not to perish. Frankly, the world’s statesmen are in despair. Their mental state was vividly set forth in the great prophecy o f the Master: “ And there shall be signs; upon the earth distress o f nations, with per­ plexity ; the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth” (Lk. 21:25, 26). Challenge the world to ex­ press more exactly, more concisely, or more vividly the state o f mind existing gener­ ally among the men who wrestle with the world’s present problems. Stanley Baldwin certainly can be c r e d ite d w ith k n ow in g whereof he speaks, and he says: “ What is it that un­ derlies everything in Europe today? It is the element of fear—fear o f what may hap­ pen!” And Jesus s a id : “ Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth” ! Com­ pare these two statements again, one by the Master in 33 A . D., and the other by a former Premier of Great Britain, in 1933 A. D .! “ I foresee,” said Signor Mussolini, “ a long series of political, economic, and military wars.” William Allen White, reporting for the North American Newspaper Alliance, on July 4, wrote from London: The World’s Economic and Monetary Conference . . . bureau . . . composed of premiers and rank­ ing delegates from each of the important nations . . . today was a lodge of sorrows. . . . One statesman after another, with terrible unanimity, voiced the feeling of dread with which Europe faces the failure of this Con­

ference . . . Governor Cox, representative of Amer­ ica. . . , was deeply moved by the presentations of the Premiers . . . He appears a heart-broken man. Governor Cox realizes what Americans at home can scarcely understand—that the shattered hopes of 30,000,000 unemployed may bring a social and political collapse to Western Europe, if winter finds them still facing hunger. Sir Philip Gibbs, “ one o f the finest observers of world affairs Britain has given this generation,” recently said: It is not without mental anguish that I am bound to confess, as an observer o f facts, that I do perceive the steady, quiet, and terrifying drift o f European nations toward another convulsion o f intertribal war. The League of Nations, the Kellogg Pact, the Locarno Pledge, are pow­ erless to avert that abomination if present conditions and moods prevail unchecked and unchanged. At present, we are back again to the temper o f 1913, when the powers were grouping themselves for that “inevitable war.” It makes one despair o f human reason. Absolutely right— “ it makes one despair o f human reason” when we recall the horrors and the horrible results of 1914 to 1918, and then to think that men (or are they demons?) are beggaring the nations in order to accumulate the implements for another international suicide, with horrors which will make those o f 1914 to 1918 look like child’s play! The late Marshall Foch said: Notwithstanding the

peace measures of the League o f Nations, we know that every nation is engaged in research work, trying to perfect poison gases that will insure the quick annihi­ lation o f its enemies. There is no doubt that deadly gases have been perfected, and that they will play the principal part in the next war.

The Coming of the Lord Draweth N igh 'B y S tewart P. M ac L ennan Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Hollywood, Cal.

H u n d re d s of listeners who heard this address delivered by Dr. MacLen­ nan in his own and other pulpits have been pro­ f o u n d l y s t i r r e d b y i t . Through the author’s cour­ tesy, it is being shared with o t h e r thousands through the pages of the October KING’S BUSINESS. Those who welcome Dr. Bauman’s able articles on prophecy — as thousands do — will appreciate this additional contribution on so great a theme. With the aid of the lamp of prophecy, the article shows up world

And to understand the full import o f these words from the lips o f the supreme Mar­ shall o f the vast armies of the World War, we only need to read the following statement from the most reli­ able o f all the English news­ pap e rs, the M a n c h e s te r Guardian. Describing the horrors o f Lewisite gas, it says: Lewisite gas is a:

leaders— their fear and futile efforts— in clear and surprising light. Do not fail to read this arresting message; like others on this subject published in THE KING’S BUSINESS, it will make you look for the Lord's appearing with new anticipation and delight. “ For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.’’

burning gas like mus­ tard, but far more pow­ erful. It spreads slowly, unlike phosgene, which on that account is more favored in o r d i n a r y bombing from the air,

for wind rapidly carries phosgene far and wide, suffo­ cating all. But Lewisite could be sprayed upon cities as with hose from aircraft. It has an excellent effect in burning clothes, skin, and flesh of all, citizens and soldiers, indifferently. It is believed to penetrate any mask, and passes through the flesh or down the lungs, burning the victim inside and out. It is almost unbelievable that even the most cruel of all the human monsters that the devil has placed upon thrones could be so utterly wanting in feeling as to send aircraft to steal over cities and spray the air which women and helpless little children must breathe, with such a gas, but just that these ruling imps from hell are planning to

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