September, 1933
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
DoYouMake theseMistakes inENGLISH? Sherwin Cody’s remarkable Invention has en abled more than 70,000 people to correct their mistakes in English. Only 15 minutes a day required to improve your speech and writing.
^¿)ur cJ^ iiera iu re ^C ab le WH A T TO P U R CH A S E AT B I O L A B O O K R OOM
Sermons from the Parables B y C lovis G. C happell
of suggestions for possible outlines. Not the least valuable feature o f the book is the excellent bibliography appended to it, which affords a guide for further study in the Johannine writings. From both the technical and devotional standpoints, this book is satisfying. Its thoroughness in dealing with the text will please the most exacting Bible scholar, while its eminently practical aspect will render it useful to the average reader. 372 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Cloth. Price $ 2 . 00 . The Apocalypse Expounded B y A. H. B urton Clarity and directness are the chief vir tues of this brief commentary on the Apoc alypse. Written for popular use, it pre sents in straightforward manner the futur istic interpretation of Revelation, without considering at length any other view. The author adheres closely to the dispensa- tional explanation of Scripture, and writes with the conviction that the present age of grace is closing. His exposition is, there fore devotional and hortatory rather than historical and technical. On doubtful points he expressly avoids dogmatism and usually gives reasons for his major con clusions. It is well adapted to the average Bible student who is not interested in scho lastic questions. 279 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Cloth. Price $1.75. Life of Charles Albert Blanchard B y F rances C arothers B lanchard As a reformer, lecturer, preacher, and educator, Charles A. Blanchard was one of the outstanding leaders o f the past half-century. He was a familiar figure in Bible conferences, and was beloved by all who knew him in the classroom or on the platform. This unvarnished chronicle of his life, drawn chiefly from his own jour nals and diaries, and augmented by some few reminiscences by intimate friends, recalls vividly the strength, simplicity, kindliness, and directness o f his personal ity. Besides being a biography, this book affords a cross-section of American church and college life in the Middle West during the last seventy-five years. All o f Dr. Blanchard’s friends will welcome the pub lication o f this book; and those who were not personally acquainted with him will undoubtedly be inspired by the career of this man who upheld and exemplified the best traditions of American Christianity. 220 pages. Fleming H. Revell. Cloth. Price $2.00. One Mediator and Other Stories B y G wendoline A. L ear “One Mediator,” which covers approxi mately half of the book, is a striking story for young people. In it, the subtle dangers o f the Roman Catholic Church are ex posed, in narrative at once full of sound doctrine and dramatic suspense. Two shorter, but equally fine stories are includ ed in this volume, each presenting and solving its youth problem in the same read able style. 112 pages. John Ritchie, Ltd. Cloth. Price 50 cents.
In this collection o f sermons on sixteen o f the best-known parables of the Gospels, Dr. Chappell has demonstrated well the possibility o f combining freshness of treat ment with fidelity to truth, and acute analy sis o f subject matter with popular appeal. In each sermon, he has sought to find the central thought of the parable, and to drive that thought home to the reader’s con science by direct application to everyday life. His exegesis is accurate, though sometimes unusual. In his sermon on the Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids (virgins), stronger emphasis on the Lord’s coming would be justified. This book ought to be o f service to every pastor who needs a model for evangelistic exposition ; and it ought to be attractive to the Christian lay man who wants something that will make these familiar passages of greater practical value to him. 220 pages. Cokesbury Press. Cloth. Price $1.50. How the New Testament Came to Be Written B y W illiam O wen C arver This little handbook offers a popular account of the human origins o f the New Testament. Its component writings are classified by their dominant characteristics under five heads: The Literature of an Extending Gospel, of a Growing Church, o f a Developing Theology, of a Contro verted Faith, of a Persecuted People. The authorship, date, and setting of each book are sketched, with a brief practical sum mary of its content and teaching. The quo tations from the New Testament are, for the most part, original translations, and are accurate, reverent, and illuminating. Critical technicalities are not discussed; and while the best and safest conclusions ol recent scholarship are incorporated in the author’s work, his position is decidedly conservative. The book will be very useful to all Christian workers, especially to Sun day-school teachers. 123 pages. Fleming H. Revell. Cloth. Price $1.00. The Apostle John: His Life and Writings B y W. H. G riffith T homas This work is the result o f a lifelong study of the Johannine writings. Beginning with a devotional biography o f the Apostle John, Dr. Thomas lays the foundation for a study of the works by a careful interpre tation o f the life and personality of the writer. O f the five Johannine writings, full treatment is accorded to the Gospel and three Epistles; the Apocalypse is not discussed in detail, presumably because of the complexity of the book. The Gospel is explained both synthetic ally and analytically. The synthesis, which sketches the general outline and purpose of the book, is comprehensive and clear. The analysis, which is both textual and topical, is cast in the form of alliterative study outlines, which greatly facilitate its use in sermon preparation. The three Epis tles of John, the first of which is “con fessedly difficult to analyze,” are accorded similar treatment. Discussion of the Apoc alypse is confined to a general statement of methods of interpretation, with a number
M any per sons say “Did you hear f r o m him today.” Th e y should say, “Have you h e a r d from him today.” Some s p e l l “ calendar” “calender” or “cal- ander.” Still others say “between you and I” instead of “between you and me.” It is astonish
ing how often “who” is used for “whom,” and how frequently the simplest words are mispronounced. Few know whether to spell certain Words with one or two “c’s” or “m’s” or “r’s,” or with “ie” or “ ei.” Most persons use only common words—colorless, flat, ordinary. Their speech and their let ters are lifeless, monotonous, humdrum. Every time they talk or write, they show themselves lacking in the essential points of English. Wonderful New Invention For many years Mr. Cody studied the problem of creating instinctive habits of using good English. After countless experiments he finally _invented a simple method by which you can acquire a better command of the English language in only 15 min utes a day. Now you can stop making the mistakes which have been hurting you. Mr. Cody’s students have secured more improvement in five weeks than previously had been obtained by other pupils in two years 1 Learn by Habit— Not by Rules Under old methods rules are memorized, but correct habits are not formed. Finally the rules themselves are forgotten. The new Sherwin Cody method provides for the formation of correct habits by calling to your attention constantly only the mis takes you yourself make. One of the wonderful things about Mr. Cody’s course is the speed with which these habit-forming practice drills can be carried out. You can write the answers to fifty questions in 15 minutes and correct your work in 5 minutes more. The drudgery and work of copying have been ended by Mr. Cody ! You concentrate always on your own mistakes until it becomes *'second nature” to speak and write correctly. FREE— Book on English A new book explaining Mr. Cody’s remarkable method is ready. If you are ever embarrassed by mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, pro nunciation, or if you can not instantly command the exact words with which to express your ideas, this new free book, “ How You Can Master Good English in 15 Minutes a Day,” will prove a rev elation to you. Send the coupon or a letter or postal card for it now. SHERWIN CODY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH, 739 Seerle Building, Rochester, N. Y. —■— —«— | , SHERWIN CODY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH, ■ I 739 Searle Building, Rochester, N. Y. I Please send me your free book, “ How You I Can Master Good English in 15 Minutes a ■ I Day.” I Name__ ......... ...................... I I Address
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