King's Business - 1933-08



oom ; aia ti in l 8 çi E, WE CAN DO IT IN 1933 a r i n u c y

An adobe hut, formerly used as a chicken house, with neither windows nor doors, was the temporary “ home” of other Bible Institute students, glad followers of Him who, when on earth, had nowhere to lay His head. Their poor, neglected hearers loved them, listened to them, opened their hearts wide to the Saviour, because His followers, like their Lord, came not to be ministered unto, but to minister. Many pastors o f churches,

In the days of Moody’s trial and triumph in 1891, this was a typical mode o f transportation.

But, frankly, this is our situation: Tuition at the Bible Institute is absolutely free, the only cost to accepted students being that o f board and room. Even in the meeting of this requirement, the Institute is glad to assist, as much as possible, by furnishing employment either within its own departments or with business houses in the city. But when all this has been done, there still remains the cost o f operation—which, obvi­ ously, must be met from another source, that o f the free-will offerings o f interested friends. Apart from board and room, the cost o f training in the Bible Institute is approximately $75 per student per semester. W e have the plant— spacious lecture rooms, adequate dor­ mitories, all that is needed except the day-to-day costs of maintenance. The erection o f these buildings was financed by two great millionaires—men who could and did provide the funds for evangelizing a province, or building a Bible Insti­ tute, with a stroke o f their pens. They are dead now, and there has been no single successor to them. But God has placed this Institute in the hands and on the hearts o f a multi­ tude o f humble Christians who have bravely carried it forward. To repeat— 400 students are expected between this date and the opening o f the fall semester on September 21— 400 dedicated young lives, in many cases the product o f Christian homes, o f mothers’ prayers, of deep solicitude by pastors and relatives and friends—400 young people “ in the valley of de­ cision.” Educational costs for nearly 200 are practically pro­ vided f o r ; the cost o f training the other 200 is still to be met. When D. L. Moody was faced with a similar problem a little more than four decades ago, he acted promptly and de­ cisively. He was led in prayer in making his decision, for this was the habit o f his life. And his Institute did not perish in the panic o f 1891, or any succeeding depression. Witness its stability today. I propose to follow his leading in handling our present

where groups o f students have given assistance, write letters like this one from North Platte, N eb.: “ F i f t y have taken Christ as their personal Saviour during the meet­ ings thus far.” : Or like this one from Kan­ Ig “ Seventy - eight came into the church during those precious, Spirit-filled two . weeks— the majority by confession and baptism. We do thank the L o rd ; praise His name. The team did everything asked of them— sang over the radio, taught classes, inspired our Bible school, spoke and sang in our high school and in jails and hospitals,.; and sas City, Kan .:

undred! Who can loung faces—with mination and love line—and remain $150 to cover the raining two such iter. We welcome ik upon it as an bly worth while.

besides regular services, did much personal work. Their testimony in Scripture, song, and living will be a continual inspiration to us. May the Lord bless Biola through them.” Will W e Help Them? This is the kind o f young people who are appealing to us for Christian training— strong, virile, young, promising. W e believe in them. W e are ready to sacrifice anything to equip them for their chosen life work o f proclaiming the Lord Jesus Christ.

The two pictures of D. L. Moody shown here are taken from T he L ife of D. L. M oody by H is S on and are used by permission of the publisher, Fleming H. Retteli Co. Will you help us solve our problem in the way that the Christians of 1891 helped Mr. Moody solve his? Please write me a personal word. problem here in Los Angeles. My wife and I want to have the privilege of meeting the cost of training for two students for one semester— $150 in all. Like Mr. Moody, we are "going to see if we cannot get 200 others to do the same, and then it will not come heavy on any of us." Will you join us? Those who cannot give as much as $75 are invited to contribute by sending monthly donations, beginning with September and continuing through January, 1934, the close of the fall term.

at Biota’s doors again on September 21, asking training for Christian work.

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