King's Business - 1933-08

September, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S



O f his own little boy, he said: “And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways.” Yes, a herald o f the Lord Jesus, this little boy was to become. This was God’s plan. So, while very young, little John was taken to the desert country where he spent his boy­ hood days. God watched over him all the while and prepared him for this great task of going before the Lord Jesus as His herald.

Then what do you think happened ? The sign was given—Zacharias became dumb, and the angel said that he would not speak again until all that the angel had said had come to pass. Now the people were waiting without the temple—waiting and wondering why Zacharias tarried so long. At last he came out from the temple, but he could not speak a word to the people. However, by making signs, he made them realize that he had seen a vision. After his time of serving in the temple, Zacharias returned to his little home in the hill country o f Judaea, there to bear the precious news to Elisabeth of all that had happened in the temple. Surely Elisabeth’s heart was filled with wonder and j o y ! After a time, just as the angel had said, God sent to the lonely home a little baby boy. What praise and thanksgiving must 'have been offered up from the hearts of Zacharias and Elisabeth, to God their Heavenly Father, for this precious gift! When the baby was eight days old, as was the custom, the relatives and friends gathered to help choose a name for the baby, and to rejoice that God had so bless­ ed Zacharias and Elisabeth. O f course the relatives were sure that the little boy would be named Zacharias after his fa­ ther ; but as the name was mentioned, Elisabeth said, “Not so . . . he shall be called John." “ ‘John’ ? There are none of the rela­ tives called by this name,” they said, and turned toward Zacharias, asking by means of signs just what name he would give the little boy. Since Zacharias could not speak, he had to write his answer. Imagine the surprise o f the friends and relatives when they read: “His name is John” 1 But as Zacharias wrote these words, another wonderful thing happened—Zach­ arias’ dumbness left him, and he could speak again; but this time he spoke not to doubt nor question God’s word, but be­ ing filled with the Holy Spirit, he spoke forth wonderful words—words that told of the coming Messiah, the Lord Jesus.

acharias and his wife Elisabeth lived in the land of Judaea, away up in the hill country. These two loved God, their Heavenly Father, and wanted to please Him in all that they did. I can almost see their little house nestled among the hills. Everything was done in that home that would honor the Lord, but it was so quiet there; there were no happy voices o f children, for Zacharias and Elisabeth had not even one little boy or girl. How they had longed for a little child! Many, many times Zacharias and Elisabeth had told God, their Heavenly Father, of their longing, but the years had passed by and no little child had come to bless their home. They were old now, perhaps past six­ ty, still they loved and served God though their prayers had not been answered. Now Zacharias was a priest, and served in the beautiful temple at Jerusalem. It was autumn as he went up to the temple at this time. The trees were just begin­ ning to lose their leaves, and there was a crispness in the air. As the first rays of the morning sun touched Mount Hebron, the great temple gates swung open. The priests awakened the city for worship, by three blasts on their silver trumpets. With the opening of the temple gates, the people gathered for worship, while the priests carried out the order for worship within the beautiful temple. Each priest had a certain service to per­ form, determined by casting of lots. On this day, Zacharias was to burn the incense on the beautiful golden altar. So, clad in his priestly robes, Zacharias entered a room in the temple, called the Holy Place. The only light in this room came from the golden candlestick which stood to the right. On the opposite side stood the golden table, while back near the curtains o f blue and red and white and gold stood the golden altar. Live coals from the altar o f sacrifice were placed on the top of the golden altar. At a certain time, Zacharias drew near with the golden censer. How reverently he must have placed the incense on the coals and then watched the per­ fumed smoke arise, picturing the prayers of God’s people ascending to the throne o f grace 1 And while Zacharias stood there wor­ shiping, a most wonderful thing happened. There, standing at the right of the altar, was an angel! Yes, a really truly angel! No doubt his garments shone with a ra-. diance from the glory land,'for he was the angel Gabriel who stands in the presence of the Lord. O f course Zacharias was troubled, but listen! The angel spoke: “Fear not,” he said, and then such blessed news the angel brought to Zacharias! Do you know what the angel said ? I must hasten to tell you. The prayers of Zach­ arias and Elisabeth had been heard. God promised to send a baby boy to their home. The angel told Zacharias some wonderful things about the little boy whom God promised to send. This boy was to become the herald of the promised Messiah: “And thou shalt have joy and gladness, and many shall rejoice at his birth.” The an­ gel even said that his name was to be “John.” Poor Zacharias! It seemed too good to be true. Instead o f praising God and thank­ ing Him as he should after hearing this good news, he doubted. He wanted a sign, that is he wanted some proof that the angel’s words were really true.

K. Y. B. C. Club The following have read through the Gospel of John and are now members of tiie Know Your Bible Club: Aberdeen, So. Dak.: Arlene DeForrest; Dorothy Homenyk; and Mae Milstead. Joes, Colo.: Martha Ann Regehr. Livingstone Manor, N. Y .: Martha A. Benton; and Natalie Mae and Shirley Alice Brown. Nampa, Ida.: Elsie Marie Ulrich. Vershire, Vt.: Eddie, Helen, and Mae Grant. Memory Work Luke 3 :22b Read through the Gospel of Luke, choos­ ing a verse from each chapter for memor­ izing. New Testament Arithmetic Problem D IV ID E : The number that were saved on the day o f Pentecost.........(Acts 2:41). B Y : The number of disciples referred to in Matt. 20:24 .:® ___ D IV IDE : By the amount which a cer­ tain man owed his fellow servant............. (Matt. 18:28). AND YOU W ILL H AV E : The num­ ber of the chapter in John’s Gospel that is called the “new birth” chapter o f the Bible. WH ICH CHAPTER IS IT ? .. a p « § | —Supplemental Bible Course, Bible Institute Correspondence School. Watch Your Words Keep watch on your words, my darlings, For words are wonderful things; They are sweet like bees’ fresh honey, Like bees they have terrible stings. They can bless, like the warm, glad sun­ shine And brighten a lonely life ; They can cut in the bitter contest, Like an open, two-edged knife. Keep them back if they’re cold and cruel, Under bar and lock and seal; The wounds they make, my darlings, Are always slow to heal. May peace guard your lives, and ever, From the time o f your earthly youth; May the words that you daily utter Be the words o f beautiful truth. Luke 5n 32 Luke 6 :27, 31

How to Join the K .Y .B . Club T O become a member of the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel according to John. You may read this from your own Bible or from a Gospel of John which will be sent upon request. When the Gospel has been satisfactorily read, and a statement sent to this effect, signed by parent or Sunday- school teacher, a K. Y. B. C. pin will be sent. When Sunday-school classes or clubs order a quantity of Gospels or pins exceeding the number of ten, we have thought they might like to contribute something to­ ward the supply of the same, as the Lord directs. The cost of the Gospels, including the cost of postage and mailing, is about five cents; of the pins, without post­ age, two cents. However, no one is to do without a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. Ad­ dress; Junior Dept, o f THE KING’S BUSINESS, 558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, California.

—M innie E. L udwig .

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