King's Business - 1933-08

September, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


The reason for such living is found in verses 17 and 18. The kingdom is not meat and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. We must think o f these things in the light of this Epistle to the Romans. It is the righteous­ ness of the epistle, as being the possession o f the believer, the peace is because of this righteousness, and the joy is that of the new life ministered and maintained by the Holy Spirit. And the one who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved of men. Hence the actions will be controlled by the desire to edify fellow Christians (vs. 19, 20). While a thing may not be wrong in itself, indulgence in it may be wrong. In eating and drinking there is no prin­ ciple to be sacrificed. There is no merit in eating and drinking and there is no sin in abstaining. The merit and sin are to be looked for in the effects upon others. The all-inclusive principle for the guid­ ance of the Christian who would live a tem­ perate life is found in verse 21. Walking according to God, in the power o f the Holy Spirit, and serving Christ will prove to be helpful to all. Such a walk will exemplify true temperance in every sphere. Lesson Questions 13:12-14. What are believers exhorted in these verses to do? How does verse 14 show that the life in Christ involves both a definite act and a continual process ? What is “the flesh” ? 14:7-9. In what sense are believers “the Lord’s” (John 17:9; 1 Cor. 6:19, 20; Rom. 12:6) ? How does death affect this rela­ tionship ? Vs. 15-21. Name some legitimate things from which the believer must abstain in order that he “ destroy not him . . . for whom Christ died.” How does this passage prove that we are our brother’s keeper? Name the things with which the kingdom o f God is concerned and the things with which it is not concerned. How should one be governed regarding what to eat and drink (1 Cor. 10:31)? What are some of the things that may “edify another” ? Golden Text Illustration Thomas Adams, in speaking of the three graces, faith, hope, and love, says: “As the three principal colors of the rainbow— red, yellow, and blue, representing heat, light, and purifying power—supply in their combination all the other colors, so, by a sort o f moral analysis, faith, hope, and love lie at the foundation, or enter into the composition of, all other Christian excel­ lencies” (Rom. 13:10). Why Laws Are Made R om an s 14:7-23 Memory Verse:- “Obey them that have the rule over you” (Heb. 13:17). Approach : Every country has rules which its people must obey. When Barna­ bas and Paul traveled through different countries, they had to learn to obey the

Following- in Your Footsteps ■ Where are you leading the children in ^ your Nursery Class? Tell them the sto­ ries that bring into their hearts a deep love for the Bible and the great Bible characters. Lay the foundations of a Christian life that will keep bright forever their faith in God. By all means adopt Standard courses for your Nursery Department. Acclaimed as the finest teaching materials for the Nursery class, Standard courses will delight your chil­ dren, and give you the happy consciousness of a teaching job well done. Send for our Free Book— just off the press— First Aid for the Nursery Department, and free packet of supplies.

Similar Free packets are available for Beginners’, Primary, Junior, Intermediate, and Young People’s Departments. Tell us which department you are interested in, number of pupils, and whether you use graded or uniform lessons. Write today. THE STANDARD PUBL ISH ING CO. 8th and Cutter Sts., :: Dept.KB-91, :: Cincinnati, Ohio

All Alike 1. All offend in many things (Jer. 3 :2 ). 2. All as an unclean thing (Isa. 64:6). 3. All are in unbelief (Rom. 11:32). 4. All our righteousness is as filthy rags (Isa. ¿4:6). 5. All have gone astray (Isa. 53:6). 6. All have sinned (Rom. 3:23; 5:12). 7. All under sin (Rom. 3 :9 ; Gal. 3:22). 8. All guilty before God (Rom. 3:10). Sggj-L. E. G erhold . Satisfied J erem iah 31:14 I. The Divine Splendor—“my goodness.” II. The Divine Standard— “shall be satis- fied,” III. The Divine Secret—“my people.” —W . H. G riffith T h om as . Love in Action Outline of the Bible I. Creation (Genesis 1 and 2). II. Temptation (Genesis 3). III. Condemnation (Genesis 3 to 11). IV. Preparation (Genesis 12; Esther; Proverbs; Ecclesiastes). V. Supplication (J ob ; Psalms; Song o f Solomon). VI. Anticipation (Isaiah to Malachi). VII. Realization (Matthew to Acts). VIII. Elucidation (Romans to Jude). IX. Consummation (Revelation). — J oh n R. S tevenson , T8. Selected Sayings “ Faith in God is never out of season.” “A little saint may enjoy a great promise.” “Hope is never ill when faith is well.” . 1. Love suffering (1 Pet. 5:1). 2. Love seeking (Lk. 19:10). 3. Love serving ( l Tim. 1:15). — L ife of F a it h .

the country. And then he said that even that is not enough. He said that there are cer­ tain things that can be wrong for us to do even though they may not hurt us. Now we all know that certain things are wrong to do, things like drinking wine. It makes our bodies sick, so of course it is wrong for us to use it. But Paul went far­ ther than this. He said that to do a thing, even if it does not bring harm to ourselves, is wrong if by seeing us do it, it hurts some one else. He said that every one must think o f this when he is deciding which things are right and which things are wrong. Perhaps your mother thinks it is all right for you to cross the street on roller skates. Another child might see you do it and try it, too. Perhaps he is too little to do it safely. Perhaps his mother has told him not to do it. Then it is wrong for him to do it. And Paul says that it is wrong for you to do it, too, if when you do it, you know that it makes another person do something wrong. HOMILETICAL HELPS Consider Him 1 P eter 2:21; J ohn 13:15 1. Consider Him when petty things annoy (Heb. 12:3). 2. Consider Him when you are slighted (Zech. 13:6). 3. Consider Him when you are falsely ac­ cused (Mk. 14:57-61). • 4. Consider Him when friends forsake you (John 6:66-68). 5. Consider His love (John 15:13). 6. Consider His compassion. a. For the weary (Psa. 103:14; Mk. 6:31). b. For the faithless (Matt. 14:25-31; John 11:40). ■ c. For the sinner (2 Pet. 3:9). — M in n ie A. L eigh .

laws o f those coun­ tries. We must learn and obey the laws of our country, too. L e s s o n Story: One time when Paul was preaching to the people, he was talk­ ing about obeying laws. “All laws must be obeyed,” he s a i d . And then he said

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that there are things that we must do or must not do even if they are not the laws of

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