King's Business - 1933-08

September, ,1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


His fullness, and that is to trust and obey. Upon the necessity of obedience we need hardly dwell here, but may simply say that it is the very essence of surrender, which is naught else but an absolute yielding of our wills to obey the will of another—even our Lord and Master. As the whole catas­ trophe of the fall is wrapped up in the doing of our own will, the whole blessed­ ness of the new life is involved in, “Lo, I come to do thy will.” In surrender is obedience; in obedience is surrender. That surrender which is a supreme act of obedi­ ence marks and means the beginning of a habit, a life of obedience to the Holy Spirit to whom we have yielded. ^ fe-jAM E S H . M c C onkey . Bible Institute Family Circle [Continued from page 310] stopped at Greece and Athens, learning about their early civilization and especially Paul’s ministry there. I write out the lessons, two or three talks for each meet­ ing. Those to whom they are assigned translate them into Spanish and read or tell their part in the meeting.” Nicholas Siberiakoff, ’31, is working among Russians near Fresno, Calif. He writes: “ I am doing both educational and spiritual work here, teaching the Russian language and helping in the services of the local Baptist church.” F inar (’26) and Mrs. Knudsen (Elena Mercereau, ’26) are located at Ventura, Calif., where Mr. Knudsen is pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. J. F. Tyler, ’23, E. S., is a member of the Men’s Bible class of the Church of the Open Door and is active in jail, street meet­ ing, and mission work. Mrs. J. B. Kirk writes from Idabel, Okla.: “I consider the year spent at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles the most profitable one of my life. I have had such difficult problems to confront in the last four years that had it not been for my training and experiences there, I might not have stood the test. My husband and I have been in active service since we left there in 1928. We are both teaching in the First Baptist Church here, and have also been teaching Bible classes in a neigh­ boring town. In a recent revival meeting led by my brother, a layman, there were twenty decisions for Christ.” Married Earl A. Bruneau, ’31, and Lois Gordon, August 4, Chicago, 111. SECOND LOYALTY FUND OFFER To all our present readers, all our former readers and all the friends of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, we offer^a year's subscription to The King's Business at exactly half price. HERE IS HOW IT WORKS Regular annual subscription to THE KING 'S BUSIN E S S . 1.50 We pay from the LOYALTY FUND . ---yi-' >75 You Pay ONLY...!......... 75 BUY ITI READ ITI LOAN IT1 GIVE 1T1 THE K ING 'S BUSINESS The Bible Family Magazine 554-558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif

criticize the grammar of the cry or the caligraphy of the letter. He says ‘My child wants m e; I am off to help him.” So does our High Priest bring every prayer, offered from a believing heart and entrusted to His presentation, to the very presence of the Father; and there it finds instant welcome and acceptance, sure attention, and certain response. Let us only be careful to bring our prayers through Him, with the incense of His merits and the cleansing of His sacrifice, and we shall prove to the letter the seemingly boundless promise of acceptance: “ If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you,” — H ubert B rooke . OCTOBER 28 “ Come out from among them, and he ye separate, saith the Lord” (2 Cor. 6:17). That command means not only come out, but it means also stay out. Some come out and then go back. Some come out and straddle the line. Christ draws sharp lines. “He that is not with me is against me.” Some church members have their roots on one side of a church wall, and their boughs all hang over and drop the fruit on the world’s side. It is not only a question of where your roots are, but where the boughs hang and the apples fall. We want more in these days of clear, distinct, emphatic, Christly religion, so that we do not need to look into the church-roll to find out whether a man is a Christian or not. — T heodore L. C uyler . OCTOBER 29 “ The time cometh, when . . . I shall shew you plainly o f the Father (John 16:25). ■ ■ If we would keep our hearts and minds clearer than we do of the babble of earthly voices, and be more loyal and humble and constant and patient in our. sitting on the benches in Christ’s school till the Master Himself came to give His lessons, these great words o f my text would not, as they so often do in the mass of professing Christians, lack the verification of experi­ ence and the assurance that it is so with us. Have you sat in Christ’s school, and do you know the secret and illuminative whispers of His teaching? I f not, there is something wrong in your Christian char­ acter, and something insincere in your Christian profession. — A lexander M aclaren . OCTOBER 30 “ Ye shall be witnesses unto me" (Acts 1 : 8 ). How much depends on the witnesses, when any one is on .his trial in a court of justice! They must be in waiting; and, when the right moment arrives for giving their testimony, must speak out clearly, un­ hesitatingly, fearlessly. On their solemn oath, they must speak the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth; giving evi­ dence honestly and consistently, without prevarication and in all sincerity: Yet more, they must speak from knowledge; telling, in a straightforward way, what they know, and-testifying what they have seen. . . . The world is always holding its great assize, and arraigning the cause o f Christ, yea, Christ Himself at its bar; and the Lord says to all His disciples, “Ye are my witnesses.” He puts His cause, yea, Himself; into their hands.—J. T. W. OCTOBER 31 “I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision” (Acts 26:19). There is but one attitude that the life surrendered to Him dare take, to know

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