King's Business - 1933-08

September, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


continuation o f its world-wide ministry in its present loca­ tion. From how many hearts earnest and constant prayer arose regarding this problem, only God knows. And to Him alone belongs the glory for the answers received. Officials o f the church had the thought impressed upon their minds that perhaps the bank would consent to the con­ sideration o f the auditorium as separate from the adjacent dormitory buildings, and would be agreeable to the sale o f the auditorium independent o f the other two. W e saw that if the bank would agree to this, it

T h e E mergency T h a t L ed To t h e V ictory Briefly, this was the situ­ ation: A mortgage of nearly $500,000 on the three build­ ings o f the Bible Institute of Los Angeles— the central au­ ditorium and the two thirteen- story dormitory buildings— was held by a Los Angeles bank. In the midst o f the financial distress o f the pres­ ent time, the bank granted a year’s moratorium, at the close of which time some concerted action was expected in the matter o f meeting this obliga­ tion. The year was drawing to a close. Not only was a

Some of the contents of the Joash Chest—precious things contributed by those who had little money to give.

spirit o f uncertainty and alarm filling the minds o f the directors o f the Bible Institute, but the whole congrega­ tion o f the Church o f the Open Door, which has never known any other church home than that of the Bible Insti­ tute auditorium, began to be disturbed over the thought o f the possible necessity o f seeking another place of worship. The Church o f the Open Door, organized about sev­ enteen years ago, is an organization entirely distinct and separate from the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, yet working in close connection with it and in fullest harmony. What affects the Institute affects the church, and “ if one member suffer, all the members suffer with him.” A l­ though separate organizations, from the very beginning, the Institute and the church have combined to form one o f the outstanding centers for Bible teaching and preach­ ing in the world today. It has been proven again and again that the Spirit o f God led the founders o f this work in the selection o f the site in a strategic location in down­ town Los Angeles, a growing city o f more than a million souls. During the years, some o f the, greatest soul-winners that God has raised up in modern days— Dr. R. A . Torrey, Dr. T. C. Horton, Dr. John McNeill, Dr. P. W . Philpott, and others—rhave ministered from the church platform and in the Institute classrooms. That such a gospel lighthouse is needed today in the heart o f Los Angeles is evidenced by the fact that last year between 500 and 600 new mem­ bers were added to the church, most o f them on confession o f faith. To some o f us, it was unthinkable that the church and the Institute should withdraw from this valuable location and yield these splendid buildings to other and perhaps non-Christian hands. W e felt that the founders pf the

would not only make possible a home for the Church o f the Open Door, but would insure the preservation o f the In­ stitute, inasmuch as most o f the classrooms are located in the central building and could continue to be used even though—what is not expected— it should become neces­ sary to deny students all dormitory privileges. Being convinced that the thought was o f God, repre­ sentatives o f the church and the Institute approached the bank with the proposition. Before the plan could be pre­ sented, the chairman o f the bank’s committee said: “ Gentlemen, I was awakened last night at two o’clock, so heavy has my heart been concerning the approaching end of the moratorium year granted the Bible Institute. We do not wish to see so magnificent a work as this closed. As I endeavored to think o f a way by which the bank’s interests might be safeguarded and the Bible Institute car­ ried on, a plan flashed into my mind.” And then he outlined to us the very plan that we had come to put before the bank! W e felt this was the Lord’s confirmation o f the way out —His way, the way that was suggested when we prayer­ fully waited upon Him. The terms o f the sale then drawn up were $350,000 at 4% , payable $25,000 down and $2,000 a month, the latter including principal and interest. The $2,000 amount did not awe us so much as did the $25,000 down payment which had to be raised within a month after the bank’s terms were accepted. How could we carry on our present organization, with its twenty-seven missionaries wholly dependent upon the church for support, besides other ave­ nues o f service, and at the same time raise $25,000 in cash in four weeks? It seemed humanly impossible to con­ ceive. And it was humanly impossible, but “ with God all things are possible.” “ Is anything too hard for the Lord?”

work had lighted a t o r c h , and on b e in g gathered to their fa­ thers, had passed it to us to lift it high. W e set about prayer­ fully to seek ways and means by which this location might be main­ tained, thereby estab­ lishing a p e rm an en t home for the Church o f the Open Door and enabling the Bible In­ stitute to retain the use o f its facilities for the

In spite o f the para­ lyzed state o f business and the depression that had worked havoc ev­ erywhere, the congre­ gation’s response to the conviction that God was calling was: “ Arise, let us be doing.” No M on ey -R a is in g C a m p a ig n There was absolute­ ly no. organized attempt at money raising. The need was made known


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