
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — New Jersey — August 17 - 30, 2012 — Inside Back Cover B


Industrial Commercial Real Estate Women of New Jersey www.icrew.org Industrial Commercial Real Estate Women, Inc. w .icrewnj.org

ICREW to offer membership

2012 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Cheryl Hardt cheryl.hardt@cbre.com PRESIDENT ELECT AND CREW NETWORK delegate Patricia A. Riedel patricia.riedel@cbre.com

3 decades of fostering the advancement of women in Comm’l. RE ICREW NJ Celebrates 30 th Anniversary at Liberty House J

ERSEY CITY, NJ — The event was titled ICREW NJ – 30 Years Strong, as members of the New Jersey Chapter of CREWNetwork gath- ered at Liberty House in Jersey City to celebrate three decades of fostering the advancement of women in commercial real estate. The evening’s festivities utilized the dramatic backdrop of Lower Manhattan to honor those who have served the chapter since its founding. “Tonight we celebrate the vi- sion of those women who created this organization, and all of those who, over the years, have made this chapter what it is today,” said Cheryl Hardt of CBRE, current president of ICREW NJ. “With all that has been accomplished, the future continues to be very bright for ICREW NJ.” “And as we celebrate, this evening also provides a won- derful example of some of the things ICREW NJ is best known for—providing networking op- portunities for our members and guests, and our philanthropic efforts,” said Hardt. “Tonight we are proud to support the CREW Network Foundation as our June philanthropy.” “I am pleased to announced that contributions to the CREW Network Foundation total more than $2,300,” said Patricia Faulkner of NAI Global who, along with Monica Ceres of Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, serves as ICREW NJ Chapter

TREASURER Sefi Silverstein ssilverstein@wgcpas.com RECORDING SECRETARY Rachel M. Brindisi rbrindisi@naiglobal.com DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP Mary Lynn Kearns mkearns@dancker.com DIRECTOR, PROGRAMING

Shown from left: ICREW NJ Past Presidents: Mindy Lissner, Heath- er Suarez, Susan Strauss, Cindy Feury, Joan Heller, Deidre Moore, Silvana Finizio, Sheila Nall and Cheryl Hardt.

Champion for the foundation. “Currently, ICREW NJ ranks fifth for chapter giving among the 76 CREW Network chapters in the U.S. and Canada.” “The CREW Network Founda- tion is dedicated solely to creat- ing opportunities for women in commercial real estate,” said Faulkner. “Working with CREW Network, the foundation imple- ments and supports the Net- work’s career outreach agenda of cultivating future women leaders through educational outreach, as well as scholarship and mentor- ing programs for high school, college, and entry-level career women.” ICREW NJ is the New Jersey Chapter of CREW Network (Commercial Real Estate Net- work), which is dedicated to the advancement of women in com-

mercial real estate. Membership organizations are comprised of over 8,000 members representing every discipline within the indus- try and are located in 76 chapters across North America. CREW Network seeks to in- fluence the success of the com- mercial real estate industry by focusing on fulfilling four key initiatives: business develop- ment, leadership development, industry research, and career outreach. Members represent fields as diversified as accoun- tants, architects, appraisers, asset/property managers, attor- neys, consultants, developers, lenders, leasing and sales bro- kers, mortgage bankers/brokers, marketing specialists, market and investment analysts, corpo- rate real estate representatives and title/escrow officers. n

Monica Ceres, Esq. mceres@ghclaw.com Director, Philanthropy Susan Karp skarp@coleschotz.com DIRECTOR, SPONSORSHIP Patricia D. Faulkner pfaulkner@naiglobal.com DIRECTOR, SPONSORSHIP Diane Menard diane.menard@prestigetitle.net DIRECTOR, SPECIAL PROJECTS/GOLF Robin S. Grossman rgros30687@aol.com DIRECTOR, SPECIAL PROJECTS/PR Rebecca Machinga, CPA rmachinga@withum.com ADVISOR & CREW NETWORK DELEGATE Sheila Spriggs Nall snall@kssarchitects.com ADVISOR Silvana Finizio sfinizio@carouselindustries.com


September 19, 2012 New Member Cocktail/Networking Event Prudential Plaza Newark, NJ

ADVISOR & BYLAWS Annette Murray, CPA amurray@wgcpas.com

For more information visit: www.icrewnj.org

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