Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Pennsylvania — August 17 - 30, 2012 — 15C
Lehigh Valley Chapter www.crewlehighvalley.org Commercial Real Estate Women
bout 30 members and guests of CREW LV gathered at Vyncrest CREW LV gathers at Vyncrest Winery, Breinigsville, PA Lehigh Valley wine trail an economic generator A
2012 L ehigh V alley B oard of D irectors P resident T ina K isela SCSM, SCMD P ast P resident T racy Y adush , RPA NAI S ummit P resident E lect M aureen O’M eara H ampson M owrer K reitz I nsurance (HMK) S ecretary C atherine (K ate ) D urso F itzpatrick L entz & B ubba , P.C. T reasurer C ynthia M erritt , CPA B uckno L isicky & C ompany C orresponding S ecretary P am M orris L iberty P roperty T rust D irectors - at -L arge C hrista D uelberg - K raftician , AIA S pillman F armer A rchitects J essica G entile N orth S tar C onstruction M anagement , I nc . P olaris P roperties , I nc . 2012 C ommittee C hairs S ponsorship C ommittee F rancee F uller B arry I sett & A ssociates P rograms C ommittee P am M orris L iberty P roperty T rust M embership C ommittee K aren C ooney D uerholz B oyle C onstruction I nc . C ommunity S ervice J ody K ing , CCIM CBRE, I nc P ublicity C ommittee E lizabeth “M olly ’ G raver , E sq . P lunkett & G raver , P.C.
of Discover Lehigh Valley, the regional tourism agency, noted that 2010 visitors to all area attractions resulted in a $1.5 billion economic benefit to the valley and supported 22,500 jobs with a payroll of $748 million. Focusing on the Lehigh Valley Wine Trail, Stershic said that the region has been designated an American Viti-
cultural Area (AVA), a govern- mentally-defined geographic area with specific topography, climate and soil types integral to the production of regionally recognized wine. Pennsylva- nia boasts five AVAs, but the Lehigh Valley has the oldest continually operating Wine Trail; it is a non-profit orga- nization formed in 2008 by eight family-owned wineries.
The wineries constitute 791 acres of farmland with 220 acres dedicated to growing wine grapes; 189,000 gallons of wine are produced annu- ally. The trail attracts about 300,000 visitors annually and contributes $52 million annually through sales and events. “It’s a great agri-tourism story,” Stershic said. n
Winery, Breinigsville, PA to sample delicious native wines and learn about the economic impact of tourism on the Le- high Valley. While vintners John and Jan Landis poured samples of their estate bottled wine, Michael Stershic, president
Michael Stershic, (left) president of Discover Lehigh Valley, with event organizer Cindy Massa, president of Design Elements and CREW president Tina Kisela and Pam Morris, CREW program chair and member of the Liberty Property Trust marketing department.
The cozy Vyneskeller was filled to capacity.
John and Jan Landis, owners of Vyncrest Winery
The Vyncrest vineyard covers 28 acres.
CREW Lehigh Valley thanks its 2012 corporate sponsors: Gold - $2,000: Fitzpatrick, Lentz, & Bubba, P.C., Liberty Property Trust, US Lawns
Patron - $1,000: ,Boyle Construction, NAI Summit, NorthStar-Polaris, Pennoni Associates Inc. Contributor - $750: Langan Engineering, MKSD Architects, Spillman Farmer Architects Friend - $300: CBRE, Barry Isett & Associates, Berks Economic Partnership, Dietrick Group, HMK Insurance, JG Petrucci, Inc. KNBT a division of National Penn Bank
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Contact Francee Fuller, Marketing Manager
For Membership Information Contact Karen Duerholz at kcduerholz@boyleconstruction.com
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