King's Business - 1936-04

April, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


this new body will be “incorruptible.” What a glad day this will b e ! Just as I watch this plant, looking for­ ward to the time when a fragrant white lily will blossom forth, let us be looking forward to that glad resurrection day when “ the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them . . . to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (1 Thess. 4:16, 17).—M. S. H. New K. Y. B. C. Members The following have read through the Gospel according to John and are now members of the Know Your Bible Club: Apex, N. C.: Estelle Denton. Arcadia, Calif.: Bernice Attridge and Arthur and Raymond Peterson (Margery Maltbie, teacher). Buguma, Nigeria, W. Africa: Samuel Taylor Harry. Cottonwood, Calif.: Dorothy Huffmann; Jessie, LaVonne, and Ruth Sass, and Mary Williams (May Arbuthnot, teacher). DeSmet, S. Dak.: Elton, Gilman, and Gladys Ristasend (Mrs. R. E. Anderson, leader). Detroit, Mich.: Frances Willard. East Sumner, M e.: Clarence Bonney; Vernon Brodeen; Norman Brown; Charlotte and William Hicks; Roland Keene; Lorenzo Littlehale, Jr.; James Merrill; Celia Russell, and Robert Stephens (Harry L. and Mrs. Russell, teachers). Evansville, Ind.: Bobby Ray and Mary Eliza­ beth Stucke, and Edna Mae Withrow (Susan H. Coulter, leader). Garden Grove, Calif.: Grace Arrowsmith; Faith Jenkins, and Nancy Jean Tyler (Gladys Hidden, teacher). Hendersonville, N. C.: Louise Blythe; Marie Evans; Madge Justus; Doloris King, and Sarah Ramsey (Nannie Sue Orr, teacher). Hillsboro, Kans.: Harold Duerksen; Levi, Sol­ omon, Sylvia, and Velma Hiebert; Bennie, Eddie, Elsie, Linda, and Ruth Nickel; Marie Richert, and Bennie, Elda, Frieda,_ Orlando, Orval, and Ru­ dolf Schmidt (Franklin B. Pauls, teacher). Howard, S. Dak.: Royce Anderson and Robert Gudahl (Mrs. R. E. Anderson, leader). Kingsburg, Calif.: Alice May Ellberg; Elaine Erickson; Daniel Nystrom; Vernell Olson; Lin­ coln Palm, and Douglas Peterson (Frances Eng-, vail, teacher). Los Angeles, Calif.: Katherine Adams; Sophie Mae Hernandez; Loretta Mae McGinley, and Dorothy Rose (Edith Granlund, teacher); Juan­ ita Blasdell; Vernon Lewis; John and Mary Rad- cliffe, and Mary Wyrick (Edith Juday, teacher); Lois Adamson (Elizabeth Lima, teacher); Bobby Burhans; Jean Burns; Ellene Caldwell; Tommy Callahan; Stanley Gilman; John and Mary Shaff- ner, and Priscilla Youde (Mrs. Ranney, leader). Loveland, Colo.: Rosella Attebery; Dorothy Boat; Marguerite Colwell; Marilyn Fick; Cleo Milner; Pauline Robertson; Katie Schuman, and Florence Weber (Mrs. Beth Turney Walker, teacher). New Orleans, La.: Gladys Bailey; Bennie, Charles Nelson, and Willie Fred Beasley; Rovella Holliday; Bertha Jinkins; Vivian Loyd; Louise Morris, and Margie O’Keefe (James L. Beasley, leader). New Westminster, B. C., Can.: Yonoko Goto; Emiko Oikawa; Noboko Onotera, and Naka Su­ zuki (Mrs. B. R. Barnes, teacher). Saxton, Pa.: Ellis Brumbaugh; George and Rufas Detwiler; John, Robert, and William Hoover; Joe Miller, and Donald Rinard (Mrs. Ralph E. Miller, teacher). Shafter, Calif.: Esther Wiebe. Winifred, S. Dak.: Myrle Ericksen and Ger­ aldine, Vernon, and Virgil Gundersen (Mrs. R. E. Anderson, leader). Winkler, Man., Can.: Laura Enns; Edward Kaethler; Johnny, Peter, and Victor Penner; Tina Redecop, and Eleanore Reimer (J. E. Kroeker, superintendent). Wolf Point, Mont.: Esther, Louise, and Ruth Nickel. How to Join the K. Y. B. Club T o b e com e a m em ber o f the K n ow Y ou r B ible C lub, read th rou gh the G osp el a ccord in g to John, u sin g eith er y o u r ow n B ible o r a G ospel o f John w h ich w ill b e sen t u p on request. W h en the G ospel has been read, and a state­ m ent to this effect, sign ed b y paren t o r Sun­ d a y -sch o o l teacher, has been sen t to the E d itor o f the Junior K in g’s B usiness, a K . Y . B . C. pin w ill be m ailed. S u n d ay-sch ool cla sses o r clu bs desiring to ord er ten o r m ore G ospels o r pins m ay w ish to share th e c o s t o f these supplies, as the L o rd d ire cts: G ospels, p ostp aid , five cen ts e a c h — -in qu an tity, three ce n ts; pins, w ith ou t p ostage, tw o cen ts each. H ow ever, no one is to do w ithout a G osp el o r pin becau se o f lack o f m oney. A d d re ss: Jun ior K in g ’s B u si­ ness, 558 South H ope St., L o s A n geles, C alif.

was one she seemed to like best of all, though at first she hardly realized its meaning : “ Jesus the Saviour is O f boys and girls; Then one day Alice heard the story of Jesus and of His love for her, and she gladly and eagerly responded by receiving Him as her own Saviour. She believed the words of John 1 :12: “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons [“children,” R. V.] of God . . .” Soon with new interest she was singing the songs she had learned. A favorite was one that every Sunday-school pupil knows: “Jesus loves me! this I know, For the Bible tells me so.” But Alice had never realized how much the Lord Jesus suffered for her, until on this particular day she heard for. the first time the story of thê crucifixion. Her heart was broken at the thought that cruel thorns had rested on His head, and that nails had pierced the hands that had bless­ ed little children. O f course Miss Rae hurried up to Alice’s room in the dormitory at the close of the class. She found her still sobbing as she lay on her bed. “ Oh, how could they treat Him so?” Alice cried between her sobs. “It was a sad, sad story, Alice, but you did not wait to hear how it ended.” “ Oh, don’t tell me any more, Miss Rae. I can’t bear to hear any more,” she pleaded. “But the last part will make you happy, Alice, dear ; you will love this part,” Miss Rae continued, not heeding Alice’s request. “ The Lord Jesus did die on the cross and was buried in a new tomb in a garden. But, Alice, He lay in that tomb only three days and three nights, for He arose —and is living today! An angel rolled the stone away from the door of the tomb and pro­ claimed the glad news to the sad friends of the Lord Jesus: ‘He is risen.’ ” “ He is—oh—I’m so glad !” By now Alice was sitting up on the side o f her bed, her face alight with interest. “How did it happen, Miss Rae? Do tell me all about it.” And Miss Rae began reading from her New Testament the sweet story of that glad resurrection day : “Now upon the first day o f the week, . . . they came unto the sepulchre . . . And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre . . And when the story : was finished, both sat silent for a moment, and then Alice exclaimed out of the fullness of her heart, “ Isn’t He wonderful, Miss Rae? I do love Him.” And Miss Rae kissed the tear-stained cheeks and whispered softly, “Yes, dear, we do love Him, and some day we shall see Him and be with Him forever.” —M. S. H. Memory Verses for April Let us memorize the following verses during the month of April: “And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead” (Matt. 28:7). “Praise ye the Lord. I will praise the Lord with my whole heart” (Psa. 111:1). “Rej oice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice” (Phil. 4:4). “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man” (Psa. 118:8). “Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him" (Psa. 103:13). None other ever could Save boys and girls.”

Memory Work for April Question: Who has everlasting life? Answer: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24).

Courtesy, Sunset

Question: Can any man pluck a be­ liever out o f the hand o f the Lord Jesus? Answer: “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand” (John 10:28). Question: How may one be saved? Answer: “And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house” (Acts 16:31). The Sleeping Bulb That brown flower pot filled with dark brown soil has been sitting in the corner of my room all winter. It really hasn’t adorned the room, and many o f my friends asked, “Why are you giving such an im­ portant place to a flower pot that has only dirt in it?” And I always replied, “There’s more in that flower pot than dirt. Down under the dark soil blanket is a soft little lily bulb. It has been sleeping all winter long, but wake-up time is coming soon.” I kept waiting and watching, and sev­ eral weeks ago, I was rewarded, for a tiny green shoot appeared in my flower pot. Then the leaves and buds developed, and I am expecting to have a beautiful white lily for Easter day! You see, I have guarded this flower pot with its sleeping bulb for a very special reason. Last year this pot was given me with a lovely Easter lily plant growing in it. Since that time, the dear friend who gave it has gone to be with the Lord. And just as this sleeping little bulb was awakened to come forth from the dark earth to blossom into a glistening white lily, so this dear friend and all Christians who, like her, have gone to be with the Lord Jesus, shall some day have beautiful new bodies. God in His Word says that

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