”I want every reader of the K i n g s B u s i n e s s to join the T O R R E Y M E M O R I A L A S S O C I A T I O N . What a symbol of fellowship in Christ; that would be . . . I
The Torrey Memorial
Association Needs You
Membership in the Association involves neither the payment of dues nor the attendance at meetings. A n y one is eligible who will contribute $1.00 or more to the T orrey Memorial Fund— a fund used exclusively for student training at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The Association was called into being in order to continue the honor given and the blessing received in con nection with “ T orrey Day,” observed for the first time on Feb ruary 28, 1936, the eightieth anniversary of T orrey’s birth. How "Torrey Day1’ Blessed the Bible Institute (Follow ing are extracts from an article in the KING’S BUSINESS)
Obviously, no one will ever know on earth how far-reaching are the spiritual benefits of this one week. Even the visible results are countless. One wonders, musingly, what would be regarded by Dr. T orrey as the most encouraging sign. Would it be the increasing crowds, indicating the return to the Institute of a great company of old friends? Would it be the ready c o operation of scores of true-to-the-Bible pastors and lay leaders? Would it be, perhaps, the perfect harmony that exists both within the Institute and between the school and its sister insti tution, the Church of the Open D oor? These are questions that no one can answer dogmatically; and indeed it would seem that all of these factors have contributed to the encouragement enjoyed. But those who knew Dr. T orrey believe that, for answer,
he would look beyond all these external evidences of divine favor — gratifying though each one may be in itself----into the very hearts of the nearly four hundred young men and women who are being Biola-trained. It is for them, primarily, that the Insti tute exists. What did this week of privilege, planned to immedi ately precede the second semester of study, mean to the young men and women enrolled? What did it mean? No one on earth can know how much it meant! But whoever listened, on the morning follow ing the conference, during that first prayer hour of the new term, as students of Biola poured out their hearts to God, knew un mistakably that God had been at w ork in many a heart. And in the hush of that holy hour, Torrey, whom Biola ever gratefully remembers, would surely have felt at home.
Three Things We Want You to Have
2. A striking portrait of Dr. T orrey (cabinet size) from the cover of the January, 1936, KING’S BUSINESS. 3. A subscription to the KING’S BUSINESS— its term to be fixed by you— being such portion of you r gift as you may designate (3 months, 25 cents; 6 months, 50 cents; one year, 75 cen ts). W hy not join today?
1. The beautiful TORREY MEDAL— a really fine likeness of Dr. Torrey, cast in enduring bronze on the first medal ever struck by this Institute. Ownership of this medal includes, without further obligations, membership in the TORREY MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION , a fellowship of prayer and giving. Thousands have join ed; if you have not enrolled, will you let us know you r wish today?
THE B IBLE INST ITUTE O F LO S ANG E LE S , IN C O R P O R A T E D 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California
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