King's Business - 1936-04


April, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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Golden Text Illustration How well this ordinance is adapted to us I Suppose the early Christians had taken up a collection and, on the Mount of Olives or on the banks o f the Jordan, had erected a monument of marble or of granite, bearing the inscription: “ Sacred to the memory of Jesus of Nazareth.” It might not have crumbled through all these centuries, but such a monument could not have served the purposes of this institution. Such a monument would have said that Jesus was loved by the early Christians, not that He is loved now by us. It is said that every steamboat passing down the Potomac pauses opposite the tomb of Washington and the bell tolls slowly and solemnly as if Washington had died but yesterday. This custom says that Washington is loved and not merely was loved. So in this ordinance, we com­ memorate the death of Christ, and at each Communion show to the world that the Redeemer is loved.— A Modern Cyclo­ pedia o f Illustrations, by Hallock. The Suppér Jesus Gave His Friends L u k e 22:1-38 Memory Verse: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him’ should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Approach: Jesus had come to Jerusa­ lem for a very special reason. He came with the many, many Jews who were com­ don’t you? The children of Israel, with Moses as their leader, were in Egypt, and Pharaoh, the ruler of the land, didn’t want the children of Israel to leave as God wanted them to do. The Lord had to bring punishment upon the Egyptians, but He always cared for His own people. God told Moses and Aaron to tell the Israelites how they might be kept safe on a night when many people would die. Each family of the children o f Israel was to take a perfect lamb and kill it, sprink­ ling the blood on the two sides and top of the door, and God said, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you.” There­ fore, in a feast called the Passover, held every year, the people remembered God’s goodness to them, as God told them to do. But they didn’t understand the whole meaning of the Passover feast that they held. They didn’t know that the Lord Jesus who is sometimes called in the Bible “the Lamb o f God,” was to give His life, so that men and women might be spared eternal death. But Jesus knew. The rea­ son Jesus went to Jerusalem was that He might die for us, and now we can say, “ Christ our passover is sacrificed for us.” It was hard for the disciples to under­ stand that Jesus must die. They had hoped so much that He was going to stay on the earth and be their King and free them from their conquerors. Lesson Story: These men who were troubled were with the Lord Jesus in an ìfiìSSiH i B B S S ing to celebrate the feast o f the Pass- over. But Jesus had a greater reason than any one else had for being at Jerusalem at Pass- over time. I wonder what His reason was. You remember the story of the very f i r s t P a s s o v e r,


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the true disciples. He uttered a warning that even then should have caused Judas to pause: “Woe unto that man by whom he is betrayed 1” (v. 22). But if a man will not be moved by the love and grace o f our Lord, neither will he be moved by warnings, no matter how direct and dire they may be. Judas was already in the condition from which no recovery was possible. This condition was not brought about because of the sihameful character of his crime, but because of the lack of any true repentance on his part. Peter’s crime with its oaths and curses was as hideous as that of Judas, but Peter was repentant, while Judas was merely re­ morseful. Judas went to his own place, to associate forever with the unrepentant, while Peter went, in due course, to glory to associate with saints throughout eter­ nity. Points and Problems Although many competent authorities think otherwise, the longer I study the four Gospels the more I am convinced that our Lord’s last supper was not the Jewish Passover. The problem is too complicated for full discussion here, but I shall state a few arguments. 1. Our Lord died on the day o f prep­ aration for the Passover (John 19:14), which means that He was in the tomb when the lamb was eaten. 2. If He had eaten the Passover a day in advance, as some have argued, He' would have broken the Law and incurred its penalty (Num. 9:13). This would have given His enemies the very accusa­ tion they were looking for. 3. John specifically declares that the meal eaten by the Lord was “before the feast of the passover” (13:1), and the record indicates clearly that when Judas left the upper room after the meal, the Passover feast was yet future (13:29)'. 4. It may be asked, how could the dis­ ciples make “ready the passover” (Lk. 22:13) if the lamb was not to be killed until the next afternoon? The answer is that the Jewish preparation day began at evening (Ex. 12:18), at which time they prepared for the feast as far as possible. In 2 Chronicles 35:10, 11 we may read of a Passover which was said to be “pre­ pared” before the lambs were slain. A number of things had to be done, such as cleansing the place from all leaven, etc. 5. Our Lord declared plainly that He would not eat that last Passover. “With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer; for I say unto you, / shall not eat it, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God” (Lk. 22:15, 16, R.V.). The words “ this passover" can­ not refer to the meal on the table, for He did eat that (Matt. 26:23). The reference is to the feast which is immediately ahead. Compare John 7 :8-10 for a similar ex­ pression, “ I go not up yet unto this feast.”

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