April, 1936
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
we know about His death for us, if we are to be saved and go to heaven. “ Our Lord Jesus Christ, . . . died fo r us, that . . . we should live together with him” (1 Thess. 5 :9 ,10). Only through His death and resurrection can we be saved. How glad we should be in this changing world to have the Lord’s Supper, speaking to us of the changeless Christ and His death on Calvary’s cross for us 1 JINSABURO SPEAKS HIS MIND [Continued from page 135] together, and it is good custom, binding us as one great nation. Many people have visited today with gifts. Aunt and Uncle have received four teen boxes of sugar and cakes, and num bers of battledores have come for the chil dren. Matsu Chan and I went to the mis sionary’s house and gave them New Year greeting. They had no sa-ke to drink with us, j only tea, and I thought when I have house that is mine, I shall not give sa-ke to those who greet on New Year’s time. Many who come to Uncle’s were stagger ing back and forward and laughing with loud foolish voice. The soup with mochi was very good and the seven vegetables also. I wonder what foreigners do eat on New Year. Perhaps if I were an American and could order as I choosed, I would say “waffle and apple pie.” Sometimes I have eaten these two at restaurants, and they are so good asj never was. My mouth wets when I re member it. Now I must attend with Matsumura San the New Year meeting at our dear church. N ext D ay . I thought that last night would not be many people come to the meeting, but many did come, very many, who rejoiced with songs and witnesses for Christ. I stood also and informed how this year had been the noblest in all my life, since I had become true Christian. There was a short preach by Mr. McEdward, in which he stated the best New Year present would be to lead a new man or woman into Way of Life. He spoke with great passion, and my heart surged mighty within, like waves of the sea. Behind me sat a student I did not know at all. I went to this man and asked to him, “Are you Christian ?” He said he was none. I was at loss how to proceed and prayed then in my heart. Then I said, “Do you wish to become?” He did not reply, so I continued, “It is very joyful way and pure feelings all the time, separate from sinful thoughts and doings.” Still he bend his head and say no word. I put my hand on his shoulder, and suddenly, tears spilled down his face. Then I begged to kneel down and pray together, which, to my as tonish, he did at once, gulping tears like a child. I forget every other person and prayed aloud with vigor as possible. Then I whis per about Christ and faith. And opening my Testament, I read him John, third chapter, verse 16. Then we pray more. After some time, we arise and sit down, and I ask him, “Do he believe ?” He say very emphatic, “He do.” Hayashi San came with printed card, and I write this boy’s name, Horiguchi Masao. I was much lifted in my heart, and hope to lead this Horiguchi San truly and well. To my joy, others were led this
upper room for a last meal together. They had “made ready the passover” there, as the Lord had directed them. In order to help them to understand the purpose of His death, Christ told the disciples to do something in remembrance of Him. Not only the Gospel writers, but Paul also describes what happened. “The Lord Jesus . . . took bread: And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat; this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance o f me. After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remem brance of me” (1 Cor. 11:23-25). You see, the Lord Jesus wanted that little company of people to think of Him and all He would do for them. And He wants all of lis to think of Him, too. After Jesus had left this earth, His disciples began to understand what Jesus had done for them. And from that time until now, when Jesus’ followers remem ber what He did, they break bread to gether and drink of His cup, waiting for Him to return as He promised.
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Lesson: What do boys and girls use autograph albums for, albums such as this one? “They write in them so that they will not fofget each other.” That must be a good answer, for I read in this one, “When you are old and can not see, put on your glasses and think of me.”» - Autograph albums help us to remember our friends when we might otherwise for get them. People do not always use this method of remembering friends. Some times they give pictures. Often they ex change gifts. When Christ was here on earth, the disciples did not use autograph books in which He could write. Then, too, what He might have put in books could have been enjoyed by only a few. He wanted His followers in all ages to remember His life, His death, and His return, and therefore He gave them the Lord’s Supper. This Supper was more than, a pleasant evening with friends. It suggested Christ’s death for others—the shedding of His blood for the redemption of sinners. It was the beginning of a ceremony which Christians will observe until Christ comes back to earth. W e should be glad indeed that Christ chose this method of causing His follow ers to remember Him. I f He had left a picture o f Himself, it doubtless would have been lost or destroyed by this time. If He had written in books, we might never have seen them. It is not necessary that we know what His face looked like, nor what His hand writing was like; but it is necessary that
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