King's Business - 1936-04

TH E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

April, 1936


B ILLY SUNDAY The M a n and H is M essage Written and Arranged by W I L L I A M T . E L L I S , L L . D .

the name of the Lord Jesus,” implies a far closer union with His purposes than a mere mechanical use o f His name would require. Every deed that truly is done in Christ’s name is done in accordance with His will. Next, the apostle gives a series of ex­ hortations embodying principles of suc­ cess in the conduct of a Christian home— always with reference to “ the Lord." Taught in the Word and obedient to God, the members of the Christian household will seek to fulfill God’s standards. Wives will submit themselves to their husbands “ as it is fit in the Lord” ; husbands will love their wives; children will be obe­ dient to parents; parents will be patient with children; the servant problem will be solved; and in every home so constituted, the motto will be: “Holiness unto the Lord.” 1 Helps for the Leader I. A P e r s o n a l Q u e s t io n A lady and her little daughter were in a service in which the preacher spoke about how obedience toward God is re­ vealed in the manner in which one attends to the small duties o f everyday life. He described how many parents neglect their spiritual duties in the home, how they re­ tire night after night without praying for God’s watch care, and how in the morning they fail to thank Him for rest, protection, and the new blessings of the new day. The little girl listened attentively. Then, turn­ ing to her mother, she whispered: “Mam­ ma, is the minister talking about you?” The simple question pierced the mother’s heart. She said nothing, but that night she knelt beside her bed, confessed her sin, and asked God’s help in carrying out her duties.— W ebb . II. B r in g in g t h e L e sso n H o m e “He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than hie that taketh a city.” A child may learn this text in the church, but the test that shows whether it has become really alive is made in the home when he hits his finger with a hammer, or when a bitter word springs to the lips and the temper is likely to be unleashed. Christian truth be­ comes vital only when it is put into life. That is the reason that the home always must be the center where the Golden Rule must be lived.— B e a v e n . III. F a m il y M is t a k e There is no place where a man’s reli­ gion is so valuable as in his own home. Many a man appears very religious on Sunday, but if you could see him at home with his family, at the table, or when he loses his temper over some trivial thing, you would not wonder when he says he cannot do personal work. And it would not do any good for him to speak to his own children about becoming Christians. A man in Iowa had been storming at his family, especially at his poor wife, one day, until he had spoiled the pleasure o f every­ thing in the home for that day at least. Then he went out, slamming the door be­ hind him. His little boy stood o ff at one side, listening to it all. He looked into his mother’s face and tearful eyes, and coming across the room, took her hands in his own and exclaimed: “Mother, we made an awful mistake when we married Father, didn’t we?”—R. A. T o rrey , in One Thou­ sand Evangelistic Illustrations, by Aquilla Webb.

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