April, 1936
sin alluring and enticing. The path seems flower-strewn, but it is infested with snakes. The wine looks red and sparkling, but it “ stingeth like an adder.” In the so- called “ small” temptations of modern life, remember the choice of Daniel who, when tempted by the king’s food, “purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself.” Joseph, in his master’s house, although often “enticed,” consented not. The temptation to easy riches is an en ticing one. The appeal is as real today as it ever was: “We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoil : Cast in thy lot among Us ; let us all have one purse.” Deeds o f violence are not the only means of theft. What an induce ment to modem youth are the many gamb ling schemes today that sound so promis ing ! But God’s reminder is : “My son, walk not thou in the way with them ; re frain thy foot from their path.” Nehemiah dared to lose money rather than engage in doubtful enterprises or adopt sources of profit which he thought not right (cf. Neh. 5). Be a Daniel, à Joseph, a Nehemiah, and live in the fear of God. “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scorn ful” (Psa. 1:1). How does the “blessed’’ (happy) man avoid these evil associa tions? “H is delight is in the law o f the Lord” ! Helps for the Leader 1. T h e M o st D a n g e r o u s T e m p t a t io n s Men do well to watch and fight against obvious and sounding sins. They are nu merous. They exist on every hand. They are dangerous. They are armed and are desperate. They swarm the ways of life. Not one vice, not one crime, not one temp tation, not one sin of which the Word of God warns us is to be lightly esteemed. They are to be watched, and in armor, too; we are to be proof against them [Eph. 6: 11-18], But these are not our only dangers. Tens of thousands of men perish, not by the lionlike stroke of temptation, but by the insidious bite of the hidden serpent; not with a roar and strength, but with sub tle poison. More mén aré moth-eaten than lion-eaten in this life; and it behooves.us to give heed in time to these dangers of Invisible and insidious enemies. — H e n r y W a r d B e e c h e r . II. S i n ’ s P rogress 1. Sin first is pleasing; then it grows easy, then delightful, then frequent, then ha bitual, then confirmed; then the man is im penitent ; then he is obstinate; then he is resolved never to repent, and then he is ruined.— L e ig h t o n , in 5,000 Best Illustra tions, by Hallock. 2. ’Tis fearful building upon any sin; One mischief entered, brings another in ; The second pulls a third, the third draws more. And they for all the rest set ope the door; Till custom take away the judging sense, That to offend we think it no offense. — S elected . 3. Vice is a monster of so frightful mien, As, to be hated, needs but to be seen; Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face, W e first endure,—then pity, then embrace. — A l e x a n d e r P ope .
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