T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
April, 1936
DAILY devotional Readings A M E S S A G E F O R E V E R Y D A Y O F T H E M O N T H
BY Louis S. Bauman, D.D. Writer of Prophetic Artieies in T H E K IN G ’S B U SIN E S S
how sweet sugar was. He found it diffi cult to describe . . . A t last the boy prom ised to bring some home with him next time, which, he did. And then his father knew, as he never could have known by mere description. If we wish to know the sweetness of Christian experience, we must test it for ourselves. ^H -J. F. T r a v in e r .
MAY 1 Prescribe for Yourself “My soul, wait thou only upon . God” (Psa. 62:5). It is always good to talk to oneself, when the talk is searching, bracing, and strengthening. To call upon your own soul to face up to things and to answer its own inquiries, to realize its own re sponsibilities, and to fulfill its obligations may be a real means of grace. . . . “Why art thou cast down, O my soul?” g!Why? Persist in the inquiry; then, with a vigor ous faith, give the charge, “Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him.” W e need sometimes to give a prescription to our selves, instead of waiting for another to do it. . . . There is a strong tendency . . . to turn to every one and everything except God, and it is well to check the soul in its agi tated pursuits, and say to it, “My soul, wait thou only upon God; be silent before H im ; my expectation is from Him.” ■H -H . T y d e m a n C h il v e r s . "And he stooping down, and looking in, saw . . . yet went he not in” (John 20 :S). Lingering on the threshold of truth will never introduce us to its reality. We must go in ourselves. The thrill, the con viction, the satisfaction is for those who “come and see” on their own account. The son of an African chieftan who had been attending a mission school was trying to tell his father during a vacation Another Easter morn we greet, Glad day beyond compare! All Nature joins in praising Him Who made the lily fair. Thanlcs, thanks to Thee, our glorious Lord, That we, this Easter time, May leave behind our doubts, and prove Thy risen power sublime. Some whom we love have gone from us, To spend the Easter fair With Christ who triumphed o'er the grave, That they His life might share. W e would not wish our loved ones back, Amid earth's pain and gloom; Their spirits dwell with Him who left On earth an empty tomb. Some day the dead in Christ shall rise Transformed, in glory bright, As bursts the lily from the sod, Arrayed in spotless white. O marvel this! O miracle! By Love transcendent planned; And that which seems mysterious now, In heaven we'll understand. MAY 2 Lingering on the Threshold Faster ^Morris, By A LIC E M A U D E CARVELL
SHIRTS AND SHEETS, or, Anti- Semitism, A Present-Day Sign of the First Magnitude! “ Behold, a Great Red Dragon! . . . H e perse cuted the woman which brojsght forth the Man Child” (Rev. 12:3, 13). This booklet deals with the most significant present- day sign of the closing of our age and the coming of the kingdom of God—Anti-Semltlsml It reviews the entire story of the eternal conflict between the seed of the woman" and "the seed of the serpeflt — between the "great red dragon" and the earthly people of God,—culminating in the latest outburst— Hitlerism. No prophetic study is more timely or more important. Order your cony today. Price, 15c, 2 for 25c $1.25 per dozen postpaid God and Gog; or, The Coming Meet Between Judah’s Lion and Russia’s Bear (2nd edition, revised) A booklet of forty pages bearing on one of the most timely and interesting subjects In the wnoie realm of prophecy. Illustrated with striking car toons. Especially interesting to American Chris tians in view of our government's recognition or Russia. Now in second revised edition. Price, 15c, 2 for 25c $1.25 per dozen postpaid THE WORLD’S HEART FAILURE (Our Lord’ s Own Crystalline Prophecy of the Imminency of His Return. Lk. 21:24-33). A booklet of 24 pages presenting a graphic picture of present world conditions as foretold by our Lord should exist prior to His return. Contains two striking cartoons. Splendid for general distribution among both the saved who are not acquainted with the blessed Hope of Christ's return and the unsaved who are showing anxiety because of present-day conditions. Price, 15c each, 2 for 25c This booklet sets forth in a most clear and concise manner the spiritual significance of the N.R.A. in the light of the Prophetic Word. Every student of prophecy will welcome this sane Scriptural study on present-day events. The following testimony esti mates the value of this booklet: "This is a well- written article, forcefully hitting many sore spots in national as well as Individual conditions, and deserves wide distribution.*’ Price, 10c each £1.00 per dozen postpaid ALSO THE MODERN TONGUES MOVE MENT— in the Light of the Scripture and in the Light of Its Fruits (2nd edition, revised) The world-wide demand for this 40-page booklet has been so great that it is now in its second edition, revised. Scores of persons have been led out of this false movement and thousands of others saved from its erroneous teachings through the sane Scriptural exposure of this delusion. Recommended by Dr. Grant Stroh to members of his class in History of Doctrine at the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. Price of Revised Edition, 25 cents 5 copies for £l.00 postpaid POSTAGE STAMPS ACCEPTED Order From ALAN PEARCE 1925 E. Fifth Street Long Beach, Calif. N .R.A.—The Sign and Its Spiritual Significance
MAY 3 What God Uses “ Learn of me” (Matt. 11:29).
An “ educated ministry” being.’consid ered so essential today, it is remarkable that, so far as is revealed, the Lord never; added one iota to the secular knowledge of the chosen twelve.. . . How simple, yet profound, were the lessons of the upper room, given just be fore He left them! It is suggestive, too, that it was then that He said, “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye can not bear them now.’’ He had not over loaded the disciples, nor crammed them for an examination, The deepest, most profound lessons were left to be taught them by the Holy Spirit in after days, as they were able to bear them. . . . The saintly McCheyne said, “ It is not great ability or great learning that the Lord uses, but great likeness to Himself.” — J o h n S o u t h e y . MAY 4 Led Forward “ I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt g o: I will guide thee with mine eye” (Psa. 32:8). The Lord said unto Moses, “Where fore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go for ward.” Impossible! How could they go forward? Yet it was the command of God . . . Restfulness o f faith . . . is a pre liminary condition for the activity and obedience of faith. True activity always springs out o f a calm rest in God. Just in so far as you and I know what it is to stand still and see the salvation of God, we are ready to go forward. . . . Progress can only be along the line that God has marked out for you and me . . . How im portant it is that we should constantly keep hold of the thread of God’s leading, for it is only along the lines o f God’s, leading that true progress can be made. — G eorge W . G ib b . MAY 5 , Burning Love “Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind” (Matt. 22:37). With an enthusiastic love for Christ Jesus, difficulties are surmounted, sacri fices become pleasures, sufferings are honors. But if religion is thus a consum ing passion in the heart, then it follows that there are many persons who profess religion, but have it not; for what they have will not bear this test. Examine your self, my reader, on this point. Aaron’s rod
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