King's Business - 1936-04


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

April, 1936

DARKEST AMERICA D o you .know that there are thousands of communities in Am erica where the Gospel is not preached? Think o f a generation growing up without the influence o f the Bible. W hat are you going to do about it? A mission has been form ed for the purpose o f supplying the Gospel to these unfortu­ nates, and Reverend Hom er Stanley M or­ gan and others are going to devote their time to the evangelization o f these neglected places. This is a field worthy o f your prayer and attention. REFERENCES Dr. Will H. Houghton, Dr. H. A. Ironside, Dr. A. C. Gaebelein, Rev. W. W. Rugh For further information or to send contri­ butions—Address Christian Mission To Churchless Communities Room 602, 25 Broad Street, N ew York City M R. A L W Y N BALL, JR., Treas.

proved its heaven-given power. Is your religion doing so? If Christ be anything, He must be everything. Oh, rest not till love and faith in Jesus be the master pas­ sions of your soul! — C h a r l e s H a d d o n S p u r g e o n . MAY 6 Saved to the Uttermost “1 am thine, save m e; for I have sought thy precepts” (Psa. 119:94). Lord, was it not Thine own act, Thy free and sovereign act, that made me Thine? I would humbly plead it. Save me, because Thou hast brought Thy sal­ vation near to me, and sealed me Thine. I need mercy to begin with me, mercy to accompany me, mercy to abide with me f o r e v e r .“I am thine,msave me.” And what irresistible energy does it give to our pleading with God, when we remembeS that the object o f our supplications was the sole purpose that brought down the Son of God from heaven! “I came down,” ‘Said He, “ from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that o f all which he hath given me I should lose nothing.” O f this purpose He was enabled to testify at the conclusion of His w ork : “Those that thou gavest me I have kept.. . . ” S c o tt is h Christian Herald. MAY 7 The Lord with Us “ The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us" (Rom. 8: 18). The world, inclusive of the church, seems to have entered into troublous times . . . And yet, we Christians are to remem­ ber that “perfect love casteth out fear” (1 John 4:18), and that this “perfect love” is love for the perfect|Ghrist. It is; our privilege, then, to endure “as seeing him who is invisible” (Heb. 11:27), and thus to be numbered among those who,.: over­ come by the blood o f the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Rev. 12:11). After all, time is short and eternity is long, and one look upon the face o f Him who suf­ fered all things for us will make us forget what little we have’ suffered for Him. — H e n r y W. F r o st . Unto the hills around do I lift up My longing eyes: Oh, whence for me shall my salvation come, From whence arise?. ' From God the Lord doth come my certain aid, From God the Lord who heaven and earth hath made. ^ ^ B J o h n , D u k e of A r g y l l . MAY 8 The Way of Peace “ Blessed are the peacemakers” (Matt. 5:9). Peace-making never has been easy . . . The way of peace is a hard road, alike for individuals and nations; but at the beginning of that pathway there stands the cross. The great need of the indi­ vidual is to be at peace with God, and this is only possible through saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. After we have been reconciled to Him, and are seeking humbly to walk in His ways, then we are qualified to attempt the larger work of becoming peacemakers ourselves. . . . Apart from the Holy Spirit, we are power­

less; but once we are submitted to His leadership, we can become instruments in His hands for the reconciliation of those who are estranged. _ U fe o f Fa{fh MAY 9 A Friend Forever “I will never leave thee; nor forsake thee” (Heb. 13:5). Christ’s friendship is real and sincere . . . On earth, He was called, “ a friend of publicans and sinners” ; and this is, in­ deed, His true character. His friendship is not influenced by any of those circum­ stances which tend to weaken and impair human friendship. Though He dwells in the high and holy place, He condescends to dwell also with those who are o f an humble and a contrite spirit—to revive the spirit o f the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones....... Our earthly friends may forsake us in;, the hour of trial and of need, but He will not forsake us. — G eorge H ope M o n il a w s . MAY 10 Overflowing Blessings “H e that believeth on me, as the scrip­ ture hath said, from within him shall flow rivers o f living water” (John 7:38, R.V.). Water is used not only as a type of life but also of refreshing and fruitfulness. As rivers are vital to the fertility of the countries through which they run, mak­ ing possible the abundant harvests that provide man with the necessities of life, so in the spiritual realm it is true that wherever the Holy Spirit overflows in a human life, with rivers of faith, love, and joy, there will be a glorious harvest. The greatest need of this present hour in the church is a recognition of the fact that, regardless o f all other equipment, we are absolutely impotent without the Holy Spirit, and that we need to meet the conditions that will release His mighty ;#jiergy in our midst. —Alliance Weekly. MAY 11 Thoughts on Prayer “I f ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” (John 15:7 ). Christ may be the soul of, our prayers as well as the strength of our life. We should seek that in our devotions, as well as in our walk and work, there should be none o f self, but all o f Christ. It is in the fragrance of His infinite merits alone that we are acceptable with God. “In him” God is well pleased with the most un­ worthy. — S elected . The first requisite of prayer-power is the life behind the prayer. Most of us begin at the wrong end of the prayer line. W e pray in order that we may have power. God requires that we should have power in order that we may pray. — H e n r y W . F r o st . MAY 12 Drawn to the Lord “I . . . brought you unto m yself’ (Ex. 19:4). Unto Myself, my dear child, I would bring thee 1 Who like Myself thy sure solace can be? Who can reach down, down so deeply within thee, Give to thy heart such a full sympathy?


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TW O MILLION JEWS of Greater New York need the Gospel. The New York Jewish Mission through personal contact among University students, in Mission gatherings. Mothers' -meetings and children's clubs is doing a much-needed work among these people. Its organ is the JEWISH MISSIONARY MAG­ AZINE—bi-monthly, 32 pages. One dollar a year (foreign 11.25). Sample copy 10c. Address: 2654 Marlon Avenue, New York City, N. Y. ' J E W E L S ’’ Choice selections from T H E K IN G ’S BU SINESS FREE Send us the nam es and addresses o f five (5 ) p erson s w hom y o u believe m ight be interested in B IB L E ST U D Y B Y CO RR ESPOND EN CE and w e w ill m ail y ou a co p y o f this b o o k ­ let o f ch o ice paragraphs from ou r m aga­ zine w ith ou t fu rth er oblig ation . Y ou r C hristian friends w ill app reciate learning o f this m ost profitable and inexpensive m ethod o f B ible S tudy th rou gh the p r o ­ spectu s w h ich w e w ill send them . Y ou r nam e w ill n ot be m entioned. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL The B ible Institute o f L o s A n geles, In corporated 558 S o. H ope Street, L o s A n geles, C alif.

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