King's Business - 1936-04

April, 1936

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Unto Myself I Thus to find, by My presence, Pleasure, enjoyment, refreshing and bliss; Caring far more for the wealth I can give thee Than for the things thou dost otherwise miss. — J. D a n s o n S m i t h . MAY 13 Unnumbered Ways of Helping “Hope thou in God" (Psa. 42:11). Oh, remember this—there is never a time when we may not hope in God. Whatever our necessities, however great our difficulties, and though, to all appear­ ance, help is impossible, yet our business is to hope in God. And it will be found that it is not in vain; in the Lord’s own time help will come . . . He is not confined to this thing or that thing, or to twenty things. In ten thousand different ways, and at ten thousand different times,' God may help us. Our business is to spread our case before the Lord, in childlike sim­ plicity, Ito pour out all our heart before God. — G eorge M u ll e r . MAY 14 The Business of Praise “ I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth” (Psa. 34:1). Praise is a note that is too commonly silent in our religious life. Even many of our consecration pledges avoid any reference to the duty of praise. W e have our prayer meetings, our self-denial weeks, and our days of humiliation, but we rarely gather together for the su­ premely exhilarating business o f praise. W e extend our hands in supplication; we do not jubilantly uplift them in adora-; tion. There are ten who cry, “God be merciful,” for one who sings, “God be praised.” There were ten lepers who pos­ sessed sufficient faith to cry for healing; there was only one returned to engage in the ministry o f praise. — J. H. J owett . MAY IS How to Bear Another's Burdens "Bear ye one another’s burdens . . . For every man shall bear his own burden” (Gal. 6:2, S). What is the burden o f which the apostle speaks? It is the burden of temptation, the burden o f being “overtaken in a fault.” What he wants to say is this: Bear ye one another’s temptations, for ye have all temptations o f your own for which you equally will need charity, . . . Remember that thou, too, hast in the recesses of thy heart sins that call for pardon, thoughts that await expiation, deeds that require atonement, desires that cry out to be purified; remember this, and thou shalt bear with thy brother, and in thine hour o f need thy brother shall bear with thee. My soul, wilt thou fulfill this royal law o f Christ? — G eorge M a t h e s o n . MAY 16 Learning from Christ How to Pray “And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and depart­ ed into a solitary place, and there Prayed" (Mk. 1 :35). There are mysteries in prayer that we have never explored; there is a power in

prayer that we have never wielded; there are joys and sorrows in prayer that we have never tasted. Though we may have been in Christ for years, we still need to come to Him as the disciples came of old with the'request, “Lord, teach us to pray.” In no better way can the Lord Jesus grant this request than by taking us apart with Himself. Here, as elsewhere, He has left us an example . . . . What prayer was to Him, prayer should be to us ; what prayer did for Him, prayer may do for us. In fellowship with the Lord Jesus, we shall learn not only what prayer is, but how we ought to pray. — G. H. C. M acgregor . Commit thy way unto the Lord, and trust! There is an “also” we too oft forget— And so are plagued and worried. Oh! we must “Trust also”—then our sail Shall cease to roll In restlessness and reason and regret. Commit! And when committed, trust His W ord! Has He not said that He will bring thee through ? Trust His strong arm jf and when wild storms are heard, Believe He holds them still By His strong w ill; Trust Him, the Wise, the Faithful, and the True. — W il l ia m L u f f . MAY 18 One— With the Lord “Hearken to meS e . that follow after righteousness” (Isa. 51:1). If some Christian worker should read these words who is absolutely alone and single-handed, there is no reason for de­ spair. Art thou a cipher? But thou may- est have God in front o f thee. The ques­ tion is not what thou canst or canst not do, but what thou art willing for God to do. The only condition is the presence of God in us, with us, through us. Open thy whole being to God. . . . We need not doubt God will remain the same—Hljsjlove and faithfulness, His covenant and prom­ ise, His purpose and choice.— S elected . MAY 19 Look Nearer Home “I shall now perish one day by the hand o f Saul" (1 Sam. 27:1). David did not perish by the hand of Saul. Saul perished, and David came to the throne, and sat long years in peace and honor and safety on the throne. But one day, long after Saul was dead and well nigh forgotten, David nearly perished by his own hand—the dark Bathsheba day! Look nearer home for thy deadliest foe . . . it is thine own weak, corrupt, foolish heart. “Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” — J o h n M c N e il l . MAY 20 Living with the Risen Christ “It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again” (Rom. 8:34). The value o f the death of Christ for man’s redemption would have been lost but for God’s seal of approval and acceptance MAY 17 Trust “ Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to Pass” (Psa. 37:5).

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