April, l?36
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
wide and active sympathy with all who are distressed in mind, body, and estate; whose heart goes out most of all to the victims of their own or other’s sin in a passionate de sire to help and succor. Blessed are they whose supreme interest in life is not to enjoy it, nor primarily to make others en joy it; but to extract out of its stiff and stubborn ore the gold of its spiritual val ues, . . . From among these splendid pes simists have emerged almost all the proph ets, the reformers, the enthusiasts of the world.— E . G r if f it h -J o n e s . MAY 24 When Limitations Lead to Rejoicing “I will triumph in the works o f thy hands” (Psa. 92:4). Locked chambers are in each heart, closed paths in each life, forbidden trees in each garden. And there are times when we sadly remember these limitations, like the chains that clanked each time the apos tle moved, and extorted the cry, “Remem ber my bonds.” . . . . At such times we need an Interpreter, to take us by the hand and explain that . . . . the glorious Lord Him self is prepared to be to us all that for which our nature cries aloud. Your need has been permitted that you might derive from Him a sufficient and ever fresh sup ply.— Alliance Weekly. MAY 25 Like Titus “Nevertheless God, that comforteth those that are cast down, comforted us by the coming of. Titus” (2 Cor. 7 :6). He came! Dear Titus came, and comfort brought; A strange, deep joy his coming somehow wrought; The longings of the great, deep soul were stilled; The hungry heart—that “coming” fed and filled. Perhaps we, too, might oft like Titus b e ; Perhaps some loved one hungers much for me; Or, from my pen, perchance, lines more than meat Might be, to some one famished, passing sweet. Up 1 from my slothful ease, my indolence; Up! with an eager heart to joys dispense; Angels might covet well my power to be Titus once more, to one who longs for me. . .— J. D a n s o n S m i t h . MAY 26 In Him “In Christ Jesus:’ (Rom. 8:1). What we are in Him, within the circle of His presence, we learn from the eighth chapter of Romans. . . . If a piece o f iron could speak, what could it say of itself? “I am black; I am cold; I am hard.” But put it in the furnace, and what a change takes place! It has not ceased to be iron; but the blackness is gone! It has entered into a new experience. The fire and the iron are still distinct, and yet how com plete is the union: they are one. If the iron could speak, it could not glory in itself, but in the fire that makes and keeps it a bright and glowing mass. So must it be with the believer.— E v a n H. H o p k in s . MAY 27 Unharmed “ Who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers o f that which is good?” (1 Pet. 3:13).
set upon it when He raised Him from the dead . . . Practically, “yea rather” indi cates our true position and full privileges in the Christian life. In one sense, we never get away from the cross. “This all my hope and all my plea, For me the Saviour died.” Yet, in a most important sense, we live in, and with Christ, “in the heavenly places,” in the power of His resurrection. We have, through the Holy Spirit abiding in us, in all His quickening power, the life “more abundantly.”—J. T. W. “ Be not therefore anxious fo r the mor row . for the morrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof” (Matt. 6:34, R .V .). In spite o f our Lord’s loving counsel, and in spite of the dictates of common sense, it must be confessed that Christian people continue to find themselves in bond age to the morrow . . . . Those who are in bondage to yesterday will find themselves the slaves of morbid retrospection; those who are in bondage to tomorrow will find themselves in the grip of an equally morbid anticipation; but those who are strong and confident of today will rejoice in a present realization. "Who knows? God knows; and what He knows Js well and best. The darkness hideth not from Him, but glows Clear as the morning or the evening rose O f east and west. “Wherefore man’s strength is to sit still. Not wasting care To antedate tomorrow’s good or ill; Yet watching meekly, watching with good will, Watching to prayer.” —L ife o f Faith. MAY 22 Courtesy as a Grace “A soft answer turneth away wrath : but grievous words stir up anger” (Prov. 15:1). A soft answer does turn away wrath. Doing to others what we should wish them to do to us does induce reciprocal kindness. Courtesy does breed courtesy. Cultivate courtesy; it is a virtue; it is a duty; it is an advantage; and it will be a never-fail ing source of happiness. Like mercy, “it blesseth him that gives and him that takes/’/ Let none try to live without this “twice blessed” Christian grace. ^^■Watchman-Examiner. “ Be pitiful, be courteous,” Peter enjoins believers. “Put on therefore . . . humble ness of mind, meekness, long-suffering,” and “ Be ye kind one to another, tender hearted,” Paul urges. It is in the small matters o f everyday life that the absence of Christian kindness often neutralizes an otherwise effective testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ.— S elected . MAY 23 Blessed Pessimists “ Blessed are they that mourn" (Matt. 5:4). Blessed, in other words, are the men who are deeply touched with the sorrow and pain of life, whose ear is ever open to the cry of the fallen by the way; who have a MAY 21 Today
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